
发布时间:2023-04-19 14:30:26 阅读:71 点赞:0

关于”优美一百字左右“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:About a dred betiful words。以下是关于优美一百字左右托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About a dred betiful words

Essayintduction technolo pvides us with unprecedented convenience. We can shop online, chat online and read online. We can also "like" each other like Facebook or instagram.

This is something we can't do before. But technolo and social media also have a negative side. The negative impact of technolo and social media is social media, just like tker What the doctor said, "we're getting used to a new way of being alone." now, people's faces are hidden behind the screen, their heads are down in the street, and people at the dinner table are typing and communicating.

There are reports of car accidents becse this person doesn't notice the traffic lights, which is a negative impact of technolo. Another pblem with social media and the Internet is that users don't know who's behind another screen In terms of frd and tckery, we sometimes see people losing money in their bank accounts on the news. Sometimes you think you're talking to an 8-year-old girl, but in fact, you're talking to a 50 year old man, which is not what people want becse there's some information you can tell an 8-year-old, but the third pblem with social media and the Internet is that you stare at electcity too long Brain screens are bad for people's sight.

Although the positive aspects of technolo, the Internet and social media are obvious, the negative side is also obvious. People in the same om don't look up at their bank accounts, which should be safe, but people's eyesight is getting worse.




2:大约一百个美丽字,When it comes to the way of communication, different people have different ideas. Some people wte letters, some choose telephone, and some people like comrs. As far as I am concerned, I want to communicate with others with comrs first.

The most important reason is its high efficiency, becse it is a high-quality pduct. When we want to talk with others, we just need to click on the keyboard and mouse. Second, when we want to talk to others, we just need to click on the keyboard and mouse Away fm o fends and relatives, when we want to see them, then the comr can you to do this, becse it has video chat, last but not least, thugh the comr, we can save a lot of money, becse most communication sofare is free, fm the above mentioned, we can natally draw the conclusion that the comr can replace letters and telephone, become The most popular way of communication.




3:优美一百字左右,In the morning, we de bicycles to the foot of the mountain for a rest. We climbed to the top of the mountain and shared the betiful scenery in fnt of us. There are many misty clouds aund us and all kinds of birds flying aund us.

It's so harmonious. At noon, we had lunch in the restrant. We were in a good mood.

We finished climbing. Although we were tired, we still felt happy and relaxed, hoping that o country would become and betiful.



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