
发布时间:2023-06-30 11:50:01 阅读:49 点赞:0

关于”建议老板早点下班“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Suggest the boss leave work early。以下是关于建议老板早点下班高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Suggest the boss leave work early

Maybe when they wear uniforms, all the senior executives will have such moments, they will imagine themselves as God - whether they are generals, sgeons or business leaders, but unless they are antisocial (some entreprenes may be antisocial), then in my expeence, any mistake that falls into the messianic complex in an instant will be quickly corrected, lacking conscience and lack of conscience Overconfident leaders end up in tuble. Business is an art of cooperation that requires persuasion and negotiation. As the Greeks know, vengeance is waiting for those torted by arce.




2:建议老板早点下班,Yesterday was my birthday. I had a good time with my family and fends. I got up early and took a walk with my fends bee I wanted to enjoy the first morning of the ninth year.

Ding the walk, my fends and I talked about the past year happily. We all beli that in the coming year, I can do better at night. My family has prepared a delicious meal for me.

Of cose, there is a big cake with candles on it. My father lights the candles for me. I make a sweet wish that only I know.





3:建议老板早点下班,In order to attract young people, we must first pvide them with interesting magazines and books. I suggest putting up a poster outside to announce topi of interest, such as music movies, video football, etc. Magazines should be sold to first-time customers at a special intductory pce.

Once they come to the store, they will see the second book attraction. To implement the exchange scheme of exchanging old books for new ones, and to exchange old books at special pces. Set up a youth area in the store where they can display books and magazines of interest.

Invite them to sit in the comfortable chairs pvided. Meet fends and read books and magazines. Life and work.





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