
发布时间:2023-04-21 04:29:57 阅读:116 点赞:0

关于”收获爱情“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Harvest love。以下是关于收获爱情xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Harvest love

High school love is a very sensitive topic. Senior high school students have reached a mate age. Deep down in their hearts, they are eager to love someone.

But this is an embarrassing moment. They need to focus so that they can enter a better university. Second, their parents have a stng objectivity in their love, and teachers n phibit students fm falling in love Relationship, they have the ght to love someone.

In my opinion, the inner desire and the opposition fm parents and schools make them struggle with their emotions. High school students are under too much presse. They should put down their love mood temporaly.

They need to concentrate on their studies. When the high school era is over, it will be much easier for them to choose their own love, such as If you want to love, then love, no one will stop you.




2:收获爱情,The best love is the most betiful thing in the world. It empowers people and makes them stnger in the eyes of most children. They dream of a relationship like parents.

They always support each other. This is the best love. I read a good story about a mared couple's wife who read fm a magazine about the dissatiaction beeen huand and wife To them maintain their marage better, they list the pblems in a separate om.

The wife is the first person to talk about unsatiied issues. When it's her tn to read these pblems, she gets three pages of paper. He tells her huand that there is nothing in the newspaper.

His wife thinks she is the most perfect girl in his heart. He doesn't want this girl to change many lovely couples. Her huand tells people that love is to accept the good and the bad of a person No matter what happens, they will always support each other like vows.

No matter you are poor or ch, sick or healthy, we will nr be assied.




3:收获爱情,The difference beeen love is not so far, but very few people can easily tn favor into love, always nd the favor, you can always have a light sweet feeling, no bden, but this is a succesul step, you will tranorm the favor into the rebirth of love, emotion will say hello, otherwise I will come, love will whisper forward, I will and You go with me.



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