
发布时间:2023-05-31 06:42:54 阅读:87 点赞:0

关于”我最喜欢季节秋天“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:My favote season is tumn。以下是关于我最喜欢季节秋天高三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favote season is tumn

Autumn in the countryside is getting colder and colder. The sun is no longer so stng, and the cicadas' chirping stops. The hot summer is finally over.

The favote season of the year is coming. There are abundant harvest scenes rywhere: the fields are golden ce, the trees are beang mate fruits, and the farmers' faces are full of iles. They are looking forward to a good harvest fm their hard work in summer.

Autumn ning is particularly betiful, the setting sun slowly sets in the west, the mountain sky is full of sunset red light, it s on the blue sky and floating clouds, like maple leaves falling in the sky, the dusk becomes cool, the wind blows, the moonlight s on the gund, fgs cak, insects chirp in the field, such a situation will make you forget all the unpleasant things in the day, I love this betiful The season of.




2:我最喜欢季节是秋天,My favote season, Hello ryone. I'm glad to tell you my favote season. My favote season is summer.

Do you know why? Becse I can often swim and play bton in the ver in summer, and I can also play basketball in summer, so this is my favote season. What's yo favote season.




3:我最喜欢季节秋天,My favote season is winter. Although winter is very cold, it bngs us endless happiness. Playing snowball and snowman in winter, the is full of happy people love you.

I type, snowball hits the body in the campus, cool pple, with lghter, snow on the gund, like a big carpet full of ice, a b and a b, like crystal, is betiful Lily, we drew a large and all footpnt on the carpet, drew a betiful picte, like stepping on step by step, creaking out, it told us: "I feel really happy to play with you, you gave us a quiet become lively." by the way, there is a tree covered by a tree, and some branches are bending, isn't it "Spng breeze suddenly ses, thousands of cticis, pear blossom trees" is really good. That's why I like winter, becse it bngs us infinite happiness, isn't it? Say some betiful sentences and paragraphs.



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