
发布时间:2024-02-22 04:28:54 阅读:44 点赞:0

关于”在公园运动“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Exercise in the park。以下是关于在公园运动六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Exercise in the park

Today, I went to a very betiful park, becse I wanted to play, but in this park, there was no fun equipment. The old man sat there watching the geese swimming in the lake, and the trees moved the leaves in the bght sun. The only "interesting" equipment in the park is an exercise object.

You can continue to exercise yo legs and arms, becse this is the only "fun" thing. After I played for a long time, I went to sit on the bench and look at the mountains nearby. It looked really natal and lively.

Finally, after sitting on the bench for a long time, my parents came to pick me up fm the park. I really don't like it. If I don't wte it, it's not a memorable day.




2:公园里运动,Li Hua was awarded the title of "civilized star" in the "moral and cotesy month" becse he is an advanced student in o school. I think he should get what he deserves. First of all, he often visited the old people who lived alone on weekends.

Although there was no interview or report, he continued to do good for them. In addition, he held an activity to poor students in o school. He and his volunteer companions often make up lessons for junior students without asking for repayment.

Li Hua's behavior has a great impact on o clasates. They be to learn fm him and those who need . In my opinion, Li Hua is a comprehensive and good student.

Becse education is important than imparting knowledge, please do o best to contbute to the harmful envinment of o school and society.





3:在公园运动,With the dlopment of social economy, should you the elderly when they fall on the street? In order to yze this phenomenon, three universities in Beijing jointly released a report on whether you should the elderly when they fall on the street? Fm the svey results, there are% of the respondents think whether they will the elderly, which depends on whether they are willing to the elderly. In most cases, the largest number of people the elderly, accounting for% of them. There are also% who think that the elderly should not be ed.

Why not the elderly to fall down on the street?% lack of medical knowledge;% think it has nothing to do with them, but most of them Fear fm this result, we can clearly see that the csis of trust beeen people has been replaced by dishonesty and hypocsy fm sincety to self-confidence. I think prudence and vigilance are deeply oted in my view that we should each other. Respecting and cang for the elderly is a traditional Chinese virtue.

When we encounter this situation, it is better to call the medical staff, becse o lack of medical knowledge may cse harm to the elderly. I hope we have less harm and worms in o lives.




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