
发布时间:2023-06-03 16:41:26 阅读:93 点赞:0

关于”关生“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Guan Shengsheng。以下是关于关生xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Guan Shengsheng

My hometown has a very betiful village in Longsheng. There is a all ver in the middle. There is a pond with lotus flowers in fnt of the stream in the middle.

There are many fish swimming. There are apcot trees aund the village. The trees are covered with sweet fruits.

Every family is covered with betiful flowers. Happy people live here.




2:关胜胜,It's very late in the ning. Did you tn off yo mobile phone today? My fend asked me a question at night. If you didn't tn off yo mobile phone, would you tn it off? I usually don't tn off my cell phone.

I don't know why I read an article. I seem to understand a little bit: for that little concern, I now share this story with you. Girls tn off their mobile phones ry night before going to bed and put them next to the photos on the table.

This habit has been with her r since she bought a mobile phone. The girl has a very close boyfend. When they can't meet, they will do the same.

One night, they all like this way of communication. When the boy calls the girl, he really misses her, but the girl's mobile phone is tned off, bee she has fallen asleep the next day. The boy asks the girl to tn on her mobile phone at night, bee when he needs to find her, he can't find her Fm that day on, he be to worry.

The girl be a new habit. At night, her mobile phone nr tned off, bee she was afraid that she would not hear the phone ng in her sleep. She ted to keep alert.

As time went on, she became thinner and thinner. One night, the girl wanted to restore their relationship. She called the boy, but she got a sweet female voice: sorry The user you dialed is tned off.

The girl knows that her love has been closed after a long time. The girl has a new love. No matter how well they get along with each other, the girl refuses to get mared in the girl's heart.

She always remembers the boy's words. The girl still keeps the habit of not tning off the phone all night long when her mobile phone is tned off. Howr, one night, the phone ngs and the girl is in The girl asked the boy: why don't you tn off yo cell phone at night? The boy answered, "I'm afraid if you can't find me bee you need something at night, you will worry that the girl will ntually marry the boy in the ning.

Do you tn off the cell phone? Sorry.




3:关生,Activity can overcome the cold, and stillness can overcome heat. Laozi, a prejudice of o culte, holds that stillness is lazy, inaction and negative. It is not an action, but a powerful action.

More importantly, it can change yo day and change yo life. You are in a tired day by working, meeting and electni Inundated with mail and interruptions, or bothered by children, telephones, errands, and chores, you stop for a minute, close yo eyes and breathe, and find peace within yoself. This stillness can spread to the rest of yo body, it will calm you down, let you focus, focus yo attention on what you are doing now, instead of rything you have to do and what has happened stillness becomes a tranormative action how to practice be quiet.

1、 stillness can be a powerful response to other people's noise, it can be a way to repel the noise of the world How to contl it can remind you of what's important

Strangely, for many people, it's not natal, so practice start yo day in silence, whether it's sitting over a cup of coffee when the world wakes up, or sitting on a pillow, focusing on breathing. Silence is a powerful way to start the day, it's set for what's coming Take a break ry ho, set an alarm on yo comr or mobile phone and let it ng to remind you to keep quiet for a minute. First, pay attention to yo breath, bng yoself to the present, let the wores of the world aund you melt, and then let yo attention expand fm yo breath Extend to yo breath, other senses, one at a time, when chaos ars, stop in a is or noisy day, stop, take a deep breath, focus on the arval of the breath, go out and find yo inner peace, and then let yo next action come fm that stillness and focus on the next action.

Let stillness become yo most powerful action. It can change yo life. By retning to life, you can contl yo desire and contl yo desire.

In peace, you can get peace and the world will be restored to Laozi.









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