
发布时间:2023-12-26 01:05:21 阅读:39 点赞:0

关于”有关担当“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Relevant responsibilities。以下是关于有关担当xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Relevant responsibilities

Some people think that it's too fierce to expel college students for cheating. Some people think that it's a moral pblem that college students should be expelled for cheating. If they lack integty, they will cheat.

For another student who has lost the fairness and thenticity of the examination, the first thing is that Unfair and sre punishment can restrain people and make people afraid of mistakes. Second, as a college student and an , she should be responsible for her own behavior. Cheating will be like facing music.

An student should not have the consciousness and coage to cheat. She must be prepared to accept punishment.




2:相关责任,People generally pay attention to whether celeies take responsibilities than ordinary people, but in fact, celeies play a very important le in o society. For example, Bill Gates, chairman of Micsoft, is one of the most famous people pmoting the dlopment of comr technolo in the world. He founded Micsoft in and dloped one of the most famous pducts of Micsoft, a pgram called windows Bill Gates is very interested in China's new pduct "Venus".

The "pject" is a combination of sofare and hardware. It allows VCD players and other similar devices to display Chinese Internet content on an ordinary TV set. Therefore, it also pmotes the dlopment of Science in China.

This example is very convincing to me, and I agree that celeies have responsibilities.




3:有关担当,When the pblem of toxic milk powder has sed widespread public concern, what are these adverse factors doing? Fm the descption, we can see that enterpses, dairy stations, cows and n grass are trying to find scapegoats for this credit csis. In my opinion, this has nothing to do with credit, but the pblem of responsibility is a key word that we can nr iore. It is not only defined as dang to face ry foreseeable sk, but also defined as dang to bear ry flt when it really happens, so as to take responsibility for ry flt First of all, the internal cse may be attbuted to the destructive influence of moral corruption, which may lead to excessive mateali.

Moreover, externally, the lack of supervision will make the fearless adventer take any sk, let alone deviate fm their responsibility and psue as much pfit as possible. The key is that the melamine incident almost destyed the whole China's milk industry must take stct meases to end this difficult situation, such as enacting relevant laws, strenening the supervision mechani, prnting the behavior of kicking the ball when something bad happens, and pmoting social entities to regain the traditional Chinese virtues. The so-called "who goes to hell" undouedly means that learning to be responsible for this mistake means being wise and not afraid.



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