
发布时间:2023-06-08 17:04:11 阅读:198 点赞:0

关于”音乐派对“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Music party。以下是关于音乐派对xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Music party

I like summer very much. Although the weather is very hot, I can enjoy the beach ry summer vacation. I will go back to my hometown and enjoy my summer time.

There is a betiful beach near my home, so I can do a lot of sports on the beach with my fends. We had a big party this summer. When my fends and I looked back on the past days, I thought of us.

I thought that time passed too fast and wanted to do something special. So we pposed to hold a beach party and invited a lot of people to attend. They all supported us very much.

My grandmother said that her fends wanted to dance, and we were very excited to get them to participate. When night fell, my grandmother and her fends danced in fnt of people and won a lot of applse. The young people also showed their performance.

The most exciting part was that the people who played s cheered for us. It was such a great party, no matter where I was, I would nr forget it Great beach party.




2:音乐派对,I like to go to parties with my parents becse they always take me to parties. I can eat a lot of food, fed food, delicious desserts and delicious dnks. I am very happy to go to parties, becse delicious food is a great temptation for me.




3:音乐派对,Good ning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to o class. Welcome to o party.

First of all, let me say a few words about o class. There are students in o class. Most of us are good at English.

We all think that English is a common language. With the dlopment of the world, it has been widely used in different fields. Economy has become and important, especially for young people.

In o spare time, we usually learn English by reading magazines, watching TV, listening to radio and so on. So we came here to have an English party with o forei fends. We will perform some plays, sing some songs, and of cose, most of the pgrams will be performed by o clasates and forei fends, and they will be performed in English.

Have a good time. Thank you very much.





标签: 女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  留学生英文名  宠物英文名 

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