
发布时间:2024-03-08 18:54:56 阅读:63 点赞:0

关于”欢迎朋友来做客“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Welcome fends to visit。以下是关于欢迎朋友来做客小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Welcome fends to visit

Dear Tom, you told me that you will come to Beijing. Beijing is a very good place. There are many famous buildings, such as the great wall and Tiananmen Square.

In Beijing, people are very fendly. You know Beijing will host the Olympic Games. All the people fm China think it is an important thing.

The government hopes you love Beijing for the Olympic Games.




2:欢迎各界朋友莅临参观,Tim, I heard that you are going to come to China to participate in the exchange study pgram and stay in China for a year. I'm glad to hear that. I hope you can come to my home and have a look.

Of cose, I'll serve you some delicious Chinese dishes. Can you bng me an English novel "Tuesday and More"? But I don't like it in China. I will appreciate yo kindness very much.

My mother is looking forward to seeing you. I invite you to my house. I sincerely hope to see you soon.




3:欢迎朋友来做客,Dear Harry: I'm glad to hear that you and yo parents are coming to Huangshan. I'll give you some information. Huangshan is one of the top ten famous scenic spots in China's eastern Anhui Pvince.

Huangshan is a famous Huangshan Mountain with all the feates of mountain scenery. There is abundant rainfall in Huangshan Mountain. Therefore, there are dense afforestation on the special terrain, and the climate of Huangshan is charactezed by vertical change The vertical distbution of quilt is also obvious: the plants at the top, middle and foot of the mountain belong to cold zone plants.

Huangshan Mountain also pvides natal habitats for a vaety of animals in temperate zone and supical zone, including monkeys, goats, deer, pangolins and squirrels, as well as rare birds, such as red billed Tderbird, silver chicken, star anise and oole. All outstanding singers, red billed Leo Terry Kekes (Chinese name "love birds") are so cute that they have become the favote of forei tousts and exported in pairs. In addition, today's chuka Huangshan has become a world-famous toust attraction with its convenient facilities: three cable lines, fo three-star hotels, all ads are paved with flat stones.

It has attracted millions of domestic and forei tousts. I beli you are welcome to Huangshan. Next, I will tell you how to get to Huangshan.

You can fly to Beijing first, and then take a plane At the end of the day, you and yo parents are welcome to Huangshan. I wish you a pleasant joney.



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