
发布时间:2023-12-27 14:08:30 阅读:37 点赞:0

关于”文化“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Chinese culte。以下是关于文化六级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Chinese culte

To be se, most of us attach great importance to honesty, but now we often face trust es such as cheating, overcharging, fake and infeor goods. I think we should be honest, bee honesty is not only beneficial to oselves, but also beneficial to others and the whole society. People can really get respect fm others and make fends.

Second, honesty, a traditional virtue of Chinese people, can make o life easier and harmonious. Third, honesty can make o society stable. Singapore is a good example.

In a society with integty and relatively low cme rate, parents' responsibility can be understood fm many aspects. They have the responsibility to take care of and raise their children fm the birth of their children. Whether they are kindergartens or universities, they should also be responsible for the study and life of students, that is to say, in a society with low cme rate, their responsibilities can be understood fm many aspects Teachers are o children's second parents and fends of others.

It is o responsibility to o fends. When they encounter difficulties or difficulties, ryone has different responsibilities according to their le, but we must take it for granted that we are responsible for society.





2:文化,In order to better understand Chinese culte, I decided to interview Cindy. Zhang, a one-year-old freshman, was born in China, but moved to the United States when she was o years old. She lives in New Jersey.

In a all town called Livingston, Cindy studied at Montclair State University. She has a big family, but she lives with her mother, father and sister-in-law, and her grandmother lives with yo extended family, which is very common in Chinese culte Cindy lives in a traditional Chinese family. She can only speak Chinese to her parents.

Chinese is not an alphabetic language. Chinese characters are usually separated. One represents the meaning and the other is the voice.

Cindy is not allowed to do many things. When a - year-old Amecan Girl chooses a university, she has to go to a place where she can commute, bee in her culte, women don't get mared Move out of the house. In Chinese culte, it's not very common for women.

So far, like Amecan women, it's very difficult for Cindy, bee like many girls of her age, she hopes to have a boyfend, but she nr intduces him to her family. She knows that in "Chinese culte", some common words are: China, culte, family, People, important, Amecan, called, father, young man, English, respect, member, child, understanding, permission, religion, things, cculum, elders, splus, culte http://wwwwexamplessesscom/viewpaper/html.




3:文化,Ept is one of the fo ancient civilizations in the world. As early as B.C., Ept was united by nice in the south of the United States and established a slavery Dynasty. At this time, Eptian culte was becoming mate and be to use hieglyphs.

The Pharaohs established an absolute monarchy. In the past dynasties, a number of pyramids and sphinxes, known as the world acle, were built It was ed by Assya, Persia and Rome in the 7th centy . In the middle of the centy AD, the Arabian invasion of Ept and Ept became the snth pvince of o pvince, the wama cliff and the Bassi Dynasty.

Chinese traditional culte be to attract the attention of the whole world. This is true. When the popular culte of the West be to spread in China, especially Kung Fu, it had a great impact on millions of people In China, they may come to China to learn about other aspects of Chinese culte, such as traditional opera in Beijing and Sichuan.

Asian nations have long known the greatness of ancient Chinese culte. Their own culte is a mixte of local culte, and Korean and Japanese culte with Chinese charactesti. Thoughts like Coniani continue today, n though it is challenged by popular culte.

This power comes fm the thoughts of the fo Conian books (the great university, the golden mean, the Analects of Conius) and Mencius. These books are based on the thoughts of a ancient peod. These ideas are incorporated into the five classi.

The west studies the unique concepts of Fengshui. China has taken meases to establish Chinese cultal centers in the United States and Eope to pmote the spread of its culte Although Chinese culte and Eptian culte are different, they have a great influence on the world.




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