
发布时间:2023-10-27 17:48:02 阅读:44 点赞:0

关于”描写冬天版“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Winter Edition。以下是关于描写冬天版xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Winter Edition

It's cold and dry outside. The wind often blows hard. The days are shorter and the nights are long.

Many animals are sleeping. They sleep for a long time until spng comes. People don't like to go out.

They have to wear thick coats, scarves and gloves, but the children like to be outside, becse it often snows, there is snow aund and there is ice on it. The children on the gund can thw snowballs and make snowballs. Oh, look, you can see that the ver is fzen, the boys are coming, the girls are coming, they are skating in the ver.

The arval of winter is really an interesting season, there is a lot of fun.





2:冬季版,Winter weather is a set of all phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time. It also includes interaction with the hydsphere. The term usually refers to the activities of these phenomena over a short peod of time (hos or days), while the term "climate" refers to the average atmosphec conditions over a long peod of time.

"Weather" is understood as the weather of the earth.




3:描写冬天版,It's very late now. Although it's not too late for me at this time, I shouldn't stay too late. I know that people are old and they know about life.

I think I know that I have nr felt that time goes by so fast. I always beli that the fute will be betiful, but I begin to know that I am not se whether I have understood that life is limited It can be said that I am not afraid of death, becse I know that death is a part of nate. Once I talk to my fends, I say I can accept death, ryone's death, including myself.

I know that ryone in the world will disappear one day. This is o destiny. How should we face it, look at the flowers on the trees outside the window, cry or mic Smile, I still remember whether the flowers that fell last year ced.

I didn't ask them, so I didn't answer this question. I saw yellow leaves dancing in the air last tumn, and I didn't ask them if they were sad. I just saw them inkle in the sun, just like those good rhythmic dancers.



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