
发布时间:2023-04-21 08:26:55 阅读:182 点赞:0

关于”三天假期“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:A three-day holiday。以下是关于三天假期xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A three-day holiday

Last year, my father and mother went to Changbai Mountain by bus in the morning. When we went down the mountain, we saw the mountains were luxiant and wild flowers were in full bloom. We climbed up the mountain along the mountain ad and walked to the middle of the mountain.

I felt a little tired. My shoes were bken. My father told me not to give up halfway.

So I stuck to the top. The scenery on the top was so betiful. We flew kites.

I was thirsty. My mother gave it to me I bought a bottle of water and finally we went home. At that time, I kept the shoes and I was very happy.




2:三天假期,A few days ago, I just planned what I would like to do on vacation. I would play with my fends and do homework together, so that I would not have to do it alone. We would go shopping, eat together, play some s, and so on.

But I would do some study for the needed year, so that I could get scores in the exam. Of cose, I would spend a few days with my parents Together, go out to lunch with them becse they are my only parents and I think it's going to be a very long holiday, I have.




3:三天假期,Three days holiday we have three days holiday, half of the students are home, but I did not travel is my heart's desire, no dou, a tp can me forget all the wores, I have a lot in my mind, and have not got the idea of what to do, I am eager to go out, make it relax for a day, unfortunately, the first o days of the holiday has been raining, the weather is very cold So I had to change my plan, which made me feel a little depressed, but there is a very reasonable saying, you can't contl the weather, but you can change yo mind, so I finally went out with one of my ommates today. The next day we went to the hospital to see her her. He went into the hospital and had an operation.

We stayed in the hospital for a while and then went out. I bought some apples for my ommate and her, and then we walked up and down the street, panting for breath. The fresh air made me feel relaxed.

After relaxing for a day, we went to class to study. Tomorw is a new day, and a new cose will begin. I am still looking forward to a real tp.

I beli I will one day.




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