
发布时间:2023-03-28 02:17:27 阅读:128 点赞:0

关于”迟到早退旷课“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Late, early leave, absenteei。以下是关于迟到早退旷课专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Late, early leave, absenteei

It is a common phenomenon that some college students are late or n absent fm class. Some students slip out before class, which is a thorny pblem for both students and teachers. For students, regular classes are very important.

First, it will ense that you catch up with the teacher in learning, which is very ful for you, if you want to do yo study well; secondly, it is very important for students to have regular classes Regular class is a respect for yo teacher. If students do this, yo teacher will also feel uneasy. If they don't attend class, it will affect teaching, which is not good for students.

Third, regular class s to dlop a good habit of punctuality, which is of great siificance for students to do a good job in the fute. Fm now on, we college students should form the good habit of regular class, and we will certainly benefit fm it in the fute.




2:迟到、早退、旷工,It is a common phenomenon that college students are late or n absent fm class. Some students slip out of the classom before class. In fact, attendance has become a thorny pblem for students and teachers.

For students, regular class is very important. First of all, it will ense that you catch up with the teacher in learning, which is very ful for you if you want to do you well Secondly, regular class is a respect for yo teacher. If students do this, yo teacher will also feel uneasy.

If they don't attend class, it will affect teaching and be harmful to students. Third, regular class s to dlop a good habit of punctuality, which is of great siificance for students to do a good job in the fute. Fm now on, we college students should form the good habit of regular class, and we will certainly benefit fm it in the fute.




3:迟到早退旷课,Regular class, now a very common phenomenon is that some college students are late or n absent, and some students slip out of the classom before class. In fact, attendance has become a thorny pblem for students and teachers. For students, regular classes are very important.

First of all, it will ense that you catch up with the teacher in yo study, which is very ful to you. If you want to do yo study well, regular class is a way to show respect for yo teacher. If students do not attend class, yo teacher will feel it If they don't feel well, this in tn will affect their learning, which is not good for students.

Third, regular class s to dlop the good habit of punctuality, which is very important for students to do a good job in the fute. Fm now on, we college students should form the good habit of regular class and benefit fm it.





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