
发布时间:2023-12-03 12:36:28 阅读:103 点赞:0



For a long time, the Empire must be united and divided. Therefore, it once "echoed the rhythm of Chinese history and the importance of the Immortal Story" the mance of the Three Kingdoms "to Chinese culte. Just as Homer's epic is important to the west, this piece of the 14th centy is still loved and read by all Chinese people.

The mance of the Three Kingdoms depicts the Han Dynasty At a decisive moment in the last year, when the fute of the Chinese Empire was in jeopardy and was afraid of being attacked by three rebellious countes, the emper gently issued an appeal for . Three young nobles, Liu Xuande, the fugitive Guan Gong and Zhang Fei, who slghtered pigs, met each other to pledge eternal btherhood and loyalty to the besieged country. Their vows tggered a sees of nts, and ntually led to a sees of incidents It led to the collapse of the Han Dynasty.

A few centies later, Luo Guanzhong borwed the story of this tbulent peod to become popular. "The first minister in ancient China" is a complex narrative about loyalty and betrayal, victory and faile. It embodies the best and worst aspects in Chinese history.

It is a classic of histocal novels. Its full name is "popular histocal novels in the history of the Three Kingdoms" The story of the se of the three political and military gups led by Liu Bei and Sun Quan, namely Wei, Suchuan and Wu, se fm the Yellow tban upsing. Finally, in the Western Jin Dynasty, Cao Cao was reflected by the he of the theory of cooking wine.

Liu Bei, who was blliant and skillful, guided himself according to the situation.




2:国,The philosophical conflicts involved in the French war of independence left a deep mark on the people of other Eupean countes: it is difficult to understand the new ideas of , equality and fraternity in France. Once, King Fredeck William II of Prussia noticed a Grenadier in a French volunteer camp. Although he was injed and alone, he still insisted on defending a bdge under the king's command "Frenchman, you are a brave fellow," said the king, "it's a pity you haven't fought for a better e." the volunteer army, like "citizen William," said, "we can't agree on this.

Let's talk about something else." When the Prussian army and the king passed by his men's tent, he often heard himself called "citizen William".




3:国家,Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the fo famous works in China and the first histocal novel in China. Its full name is mance of the Three Kingdoms (also known as Romance of the Three Kingdoms). The thor, Luo Guanzhong, was a famous novelist in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasty.

After the completion of the book, many editions such as Jiajing Renwu edition were circulated in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. Mao Zongg corrected this point and changed the words of the mance of the Three Kingdoms to the mance of the Three Kingdoms It descbes the history of nearly 100 years fm the end of Eastern Han Dynasty to the beginning of Western Jin Dynasty. It mainly descbes the struggle stoes beeen heic gups in the war.

The political and military struggles beeen Wei, Shu and Wu at the end of Eastern Han Dynasty are descbed. Sima Qian finally unified the Three Kingdoms and established the Jin Dynasty, reflecting the changes of vaous social struggles and contradictions ding the Three Kingdoms peod. In the vast histocal ver, he summed up the great history of this era Change, d a number of hees of the Three Kingdoms.

In the vast history, it can be ughly divided into five parts: the Yellow tban upsing, Dong Zhuo's rebellion, Lu Zheng, the tpartite confntation of the Three Kingdoms, and the retn of the Three Kingdoms to Jin Dynasty. On the stage, the wter Luo Guan integrated 36 kinds of military techniques, including plot and tacti. Romance of the Three Kingdoms is the first novel in the history of Chinese literate.

It is the pioneer of histocal novel and the first literati novel.



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