
发布时间:2023-06-28 14:49:40 阅读:45 点赞:0

关于”成长烦恼ppt“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Gwing pains ppt。以下是关于成长烦恼pptxx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Gwing pains ppt

Since when did gwing up tubles and many complaints let me vent out. This topic, a kind Xin Qiji, once said: "you don't worry about the taste of youth". Maybe he was carefree in his youth.

With the continuous dlopment of history, and tubles have been left to us. In the pcess of gwing up, I have a lot of tubles nd me, and most of the things have to be talked with my parents, Not only becse they will talk for a long time, I can't say a word, but my ears can't stand so many words, so I don't want to let my ears tell my parents that he doesn't want to suffer. Howr, what I want to say is that I have to wte in a Book ry day, and after I wte a diary, I can enjoy it for myself.

In order to solve my own pblems, I start to go oothly, but I think my parents read it It's uncomfortable to get up. I have a few things to hide fm them (indeed, some of them obviously don't want them to. That day, I went home fm school, finished my homework, and got my diary according to the Convention.

Suddenly, I found that the diary was moved. I suddenly got angry. What I wanted to know was that I came out of the bedom and asked them if they had seen my diary.

They said it was legal Not ryone knows me. It's their duty. I can't take it any.

I just want to have a blue sky. Why do you take it so selfishly? You want to know that I come back to my om and feel like I have nothing. Alas, why do parents always want to know that we have gwn up and we don't want us to have o own ideas.

Alas, o life is full of sn colors of sun, but n though In the sun, it is inevitable that young people with short clouds will have some lingeng tubles. These tubles come fm life, fm learning and fm the communication with students. Howr, it is not terble to have tubles.

The key is to correct them fm now on. Let's eliminate the tubles and pufy the mate VVV with colorful dreams. A possible version: Dear editor, my biggest pblem I was too busy when I was a child.

I used to have so much free time, but I stayed in school these days. In the day before I went to high school, I often spent a lot of time watching my favote TV pgrams. But now I have to learn.

I love music. My mother often takes me to concerts these days. I hardly have time for concerts.

I have to go to different classes on weekends. I am very tired I really miss the old days, I hope I won't gw up best wish se Tang.




2:成长烦恼ppt,The pain of gwing up and the time of gwing up are fleeting. Now I am a ninth grade student. Facing the first tning point of school life, the title "pain and harvest of gwth" reminds me of meaningful school life.

Colorful life is full of my happiness and sadness. In school, I have to take a lot of classes. Some are interesting and some are bong.

But I will learn their responsibility well I have to do my best in the pcess of my gwth. Many tubles make me worry, which is terble and makes me melancholy. Although I have encountered many failes, I still have a lot of gains.

I can build a pceless fendship. I can learn a lot of useful things to be fendly, confident and independent to others. So I think the pain and harvest of gwth are countless, but they are in me Play an important le in my life, make my life ch and colorful.




3:成长烦恼ppt,An envinment will affect a person's gwth, and ryone will change himself according to different envinment. But I am wored about my gwth pcess, becse my age is gwing, the presse of learning will be very heavy, and my family has given me stct education. I know that when I work, I will face the society.

I can imagine the complexity of interpersonal relationship. Sometimes I don't want to gw up. I hope I can I have a lovely personality.



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