
发布时间:2024-01-23 17:11:18 阅读:31 点赞:0

关于”写季节“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Wte season。以下是关于写季节初一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte season

I like spng. The weather is usually sunny. I can fly kites and plant trees in the mountains.

Summer is very good. But in Sde, it's very hot in summer. I can go swimming in my betiful skirt.

I can eat watermelon and pineapple. It's delicious for me. Autumn is Phnom Penh.

Sde is always sunny and cool in tumn. The sky is very blue. October

1 is national day.

I'm very happy in winter in Sde, The weather in China is usually very cold, Sonth often doesn't snow. I can't ski and make snowmen. I like all seasons.

They are betiful. I can find a lot of things to do.




2:写作季节,Spng is a wonderful season. My favote season is becse rything is so betiful and colorful. The weather in spng is usually warm and sunny.

There are betiful flowers rywhere. Birds nest on trees. Sometimes the weather changes very quickly.

There are dark clouds in the sky and it rains. But after the rain, the sky in spng tns blue again. I often de a bike outdoors, and Fends are playing in the park.

The countryside in spng is very lovely, so my family and I often have a picnic on Sundays. I love spng. It makes me feel happy and energetic.




3:写季节,Yo favote season is winter. Fm December to February is the coldest season of the year. Winter is very short fm day to day.

When it snows, leaves fall fm trees and the gund is covered with snow. We can wear warm clothes to make snow. Snow is a good season for skating.

I like winter (fo seasons) all the year und. There are three months in each season. The weather in one season is different fm other seasons The life cycle is contlled by seasons.

The first season is spng, and three months are March, Apl and may. In the meantime, it was warm and sunny. All the plants have come back to life.

The animals wake up fm their hibernation. It's time for the farmers to prepare their fields. The second season is summer.

Three months are June. July and August are very hot and often rainy. People can go swimming and sightseeing.

Everything should gw up. The third season is tumn. The three months are September.

October and November are cool. Cool leaves begin to fall on the gund. This is the harvest season for farmers.

The foth season is December. January and February are the three months of that season. The weather is very cold.

Most plants die at that time. Sometimes it snows. People can enjoy skating and skiing.

Winter doesn't Stay with us for a long time, becse spng is coming again soon (^^.





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