
发布时间:2023-11-18 11:45:19 阅读:31 点赞:0

关于”对家乡介绍“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Intduction to hometown。以下是关于对家乡介绍小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to hometown

People in different parts of China have different opinions on what to eat. For example, people in the south like to eat ce, while people in the North like to eat bread or noodles. People in Hunan or Sichuan like to eat hot food, while people in Shanghai or Suzhou prefer sweet food.

Even if people live in the same area of the country, their tastes vary greatly. Old people and young people have different tastes. In restrants, men and women also have different preferences.

Some customers order thick soup, while others dnk light and light soup. A few people only eat vegetables, fish or chicken they don't like. It's not easy for restrants to meet the needs of all customers to increase their business.

Restrants in cities try to prepare different kinds and styles of food, They constantly add new dishes to the menu to satiy customers with different tastes.





2:故乡介绍,Liuzhou is a prefecte ll city in the north central part of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is located in southern China. Population: 10000 square kilometers.

Geographical location: Liuzhou is located on the Bank of the winding Liujiang River, about km away fm Nanning. The pvincial capital Liuzhou is km away fm Beijing. Km fm Shanghai to Hong Kong and Longcheng of Liuzhou are the first cities that Liuhe passed thugh.

Therefore, the water here is very clear and swimming in the ver is a traditional city City history, Liuzhou has a long history. Liuzhou is a famous histocal and cultal city determined by the State Council. Before it was finally changed into Liuzhou, the most famous histocal fige was Liu Zonuan, a poet and politician of the Tang Dynasty.

He died in Liuzhou's economy. He is the second largest city in Guangxi and also the industal center of the pvince. According to the statisti of Liuzhou municipal government, the tou output value of Liuzhou reaches 100 million yuan.

Like most areas in Guangxi, the landscape nd Liuzhou is continuous The mixte of hills, peaks, caves and karst landscapes is an ideal base for the dlopment of ethnic minoties.




3:对家乡介绍,My hometown is Luoyang, Henan Pvince. There is a Chinese saying called "Luoyang Peony appreciation". Peony is usually opened in a few months.

When Luoyang Peony opens, people all over the country and all over the world will know and come to enjoy the betiful scenery of Luoyang flowers. There are many good places in Luoyang, such as water mat, which is a distinctive Royal dish in Luoyang, and as Baima temple and Lonen Gttoes These histoc sites.



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