
发布时间:2023-05-04 10:41:38 阅读:263 点赞:0

关于”一道菜做法“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:One cose appach。以下是关于一道菜做法专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:One cose appach

The main flavor of asted wings: tbsp soy sce, tbsp vegetable oil asted wings are washed with water, the knife is drawn on both sides of chicken wings with a knife, the barbecue spices, cooking oil and soy sce are put into the bowl, the chopsticks are well mixed, manated for about minutes, and then the chicken wings in the tray are put into the middle layer, asted for minutes, and the wings are padded It's better to manate chicken wings with tin foil. It's better to manate chicken wings for than half a day. It can be tned over sral times like Orleans.

It can be directly used to manate






2:单程教学法,Heat garlic with vegetable oil, stir fry with low heat, stir well, add Yao Mai, seafood (oyster sce, sugar and soy sce) and stir fry until cooked. Heat pork shreds, add green pepper ingredients, G pork loin, G green pepper, salt, G monosodium glutamate, corn starch and water, tbsp cooking oil, G egg white, G cooking wine,

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2 tbsp water. Cut the meat into slices In a bowl, add

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6 teaspoon salt and stir until the mixte becomes sticky.

Add egg white and dry corn starch. Mix well. Cut green pepper into shredded meat about the size of meat.

Heat the oil to C F. Stir the pork shreds until they are finished. Take out and drain the oil.


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3 tbsp oil in the pan, stir fry the shredded green pepper for

1 minute, add the shredded meat, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate and water, and boil to boiling point. Add the mixte of corn starch and water to thicken the sce. Take it out and eat.

The meat is white with light pink, while the chili is attractive green. The meat is tender and the green pepper is csp. This dish is salty Just ght.


用植物油烧热蒜茸,用小火炒香,加入豆腐和辣椒,搅拌均匀,加入瑶麦、海鲜(蚝油,砂糖和酱油)用大火炒至熟,上热猪肉丝,用青椒配料克磅猪肉里脊克磅青椒克,盐克六茶匙,味精克,玉米淀粉和水各克,汤匙食用油,蛋清克,料酒克,水1/2汤匙把肉切成厘米长、厘米厚、宽肉丝,放入碗中,加入1/6茶匙盐搅拌至混合物变粘,加入蛋清和玉米淀粉,拌匀,将青椒切成与肉差不多大小肉丝,将油加热至C F,搅动猪肉丝,直到它们吃完,取出并沥油锅内放入2/3汤匙油,将青椒丝炒1分钟,加入肉丝、料酒、盐、味精、水,煮至沸点,放入玉米淀粉和水混合物中,使酱汁变浓,取出食用,肉白中带淡粉,而辣椒则是诱人绿味道肉丝嫩,青椒香脆这道菜咸得恰到好处。


3:一道菜做法,Ham asted egg mateal: things: egg ingredients: Ham gram, seasoning: Lard gram, salt g, monosodium glutamate g, sesame oil gram, green onion. Glled egg practice: the cooked ham is cut into onion powder, and then cut into flowers. The egg, egg white and egg yolk are respectively soaked into egg white with chopsticks and pasted into snowflakes.

Then add egg yolk, chopped scallion and ham powder. After mixing, heat and add pig Heat the oil gram actively and po it into the egg until the boiler is stirred. Cover it with the cover and bake it by changing the shift letters.

Take out the remaining gram of oil fm the pot, bake for about minutes, open the cover, and tn the top of the day.



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