
发布时间:2023-03-21 16:36:35 阅读:95 点赞:0

关于”有关钱“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:About money。以下是关于有关钱xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About money

Most people think that we can do anything with money. If you have a lot of money, you are considered succesul. If you don't have money, you will be looked down upon.

Money can make us live a ch life, but not necessaly a happy life. Sometimes some people do some bad things to make money, so they are not happy, becse they are always afraid that we should make money and spend reasonably.




2:关于钱,When you in yo sneakers, the street aders will cheer and stomp in the heat of yo body. I think when you cl up on the cot and yo fingers are gray, my heart will break. You can nr tell the snake fm the winner, but yo body and yo face are straight ry time, you can always make money easily.

The horse racing club will thw a glass on the square to show you the color of yo cmson sling. We will take the money home and sund the house. My old dog can chew his bones for o weeks We can pacify Almighty money without trucks and little girls, put my bread in an old fruit can, dve you in a car, make you fat on the lucky star, make money easy.




3:有关钱,Two bucks. Jim walks into a shop with a second-hand clothing si. He cares an old pair of tusers and asks the shopkeeper how much do you pay me for them.

The man looks at them and says o bucks rudely. Jim, I guess they're worth at least five dollars. If you don't say that person is worthless, one cent is than o yuan.

You must say that Jim is very se that the man said that Jim took o yuan out of his pocket. This is you These pants are hanging outside yo store with a $tag on them, but I think that's too much, so I want to find out how much they are worth, and then he takes them out of the store. The pants are missing, and the owner is so spsed that he can't think of a word.



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