
发布时间:2023-04-18 08:45:06 阅读:154 点赞:0

关于”写信理由“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Reasons for wting。以下是关于写信理由考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reasons for wting

There are many different reasons why people go to College (for example, new expeence, career preparation, knowledge gwth). Why do you think people will support yo answer with specific reasons and examples there are many different reasons for people to go to University (for example, new expeence, career preparation, knowledge gwth) why do you think people will use specific reasons and examples to support yo answer? For many young people, this is the main reason for going to university. They know that the job in University is very competitive and they can learn new skills for careers with many opportunities Yes, this means that students go to college to get a new expeence in a career that requires a lot of labor in the next few years, such as the information technolo industry.

It usually means that they have the opportunity to meet people different fm their hometown. Going to university is the first time that they leave home alone. This is the first time that they make decisions on their own, which increases their understanding of themselves in addition to seeking self-awareness, people also go to college It will be their last chance in a long time to learn about things that are not relevant to their pfession.

I suggest that people should not pay too much attention to their career, but should go to university to gain new expeence and understand themselves and the world they live in.







2:写作理由,When I was

12 years old, it was unforgettable to stay at home alone for the first time. Once my parents were on a business tp. I stayed alone for o days.

My parents left early on the first day. I got up very quickly. I was a little scared.

So I tned on all the lights in my bedom all night. I was afraid that I would get up late the next morning. I put three alarm clocks by my bed.




3:写信理由,When I watched the movie "God must be crazy", I lghed very happily. This film tells about the uncivilized world and the civilized world. The former is and happy, while the latter is complex and sensitive.

Now people have to go to school since childhood. Most students have been studying until they graduate fm University. There are many reasons why I go to school to learn knowledge and svive in society Living in a civilized world, they need to learn all kinds of skills.

In order to understand the world and adapt to the envinment different fm the oginal world, people t and kill in order to svive. They don't have so much to learn. What they do is to find food and maintain their own life.

People go to school to cultivate their own virtue. The world is full of rules, people have a sense of virtue and do well People can make them a member of the public. Therefore, people must learn to be a valuable person and contbute to the society.

In short, people need to go to school to adapt to the civilized world.



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