
发布时间:2023-03-17 05:02:59 阅读:100 点赞:0

关于”诚实是最好礼貌题目“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Honesty is the best polite subject。以下是关于诚实是最好礼貌题目六级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Honesty is the best polite subject

Can you give me the paper vs. give me the paper? Can you give me the paper? Can you give me five minutes? Go away. Can you give me five minutes? Excuse me.

Move. Excuse me. Excuse me.

No, I'm afraid I can't. I want to. I want to.

I want a cup of coffee? ”Stop it. Don't use yo phone in the cinema. Would you mind not using yo mobile phone in the cinema, please? Can you wait a moment, please.




2:诚实是最有礼貌话题,Most Chinese people are familiar with the story of "three wolves cry". We have tght to be honest since we were young. But as we gw up, we find it difficult to be honest all the time.

Sometimes, we are forced to lie. Sometimes, we find that dishonest people can enjoy great fun. Sincere people must bear faile.

Sometimes we have to lie to avoid hting others. But as far as I am concerned, people are concerned It is doued that honesty is out of date. Honesty should always be an important feate cheshed by Chinese people.

We should try o best to avoid lying (n white lies are the only way to be a fair society waiting for us).




3:诚实是最好礼貌题目,Honest payment although honesty is regarded as a virtue, there are still dishonest people in o society. For example, some businesen sell fake pducts to their consumers, some students cheat in exams. Dishonest people are myopic.

Those who sell fake goods may make money at first, but consumers will not buy their pducts again. As a result, they will lose their wealth To be sent to pson. Honest people get a lot.

Those who always tell the truth or keep their pmises not only make others beli them, but also get their respect. Such people will sely have many good fends becse they are trusorthy and respected. Everyone is eager to make fends with them.

Moreover, a person with a good record is easier to find a good job. Generally speaking, ry employer wants his employees to be honest, so we can say that any honest person will be rewarded. In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor, so we should be honest.



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