
发布时间:2024-01-03 14:59:35 阅读:66 点赞:0

关于”我喜欢体育运动“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:I like sports。以下是关于我喜欢体育运动专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I like sports

My name is David. I am a year old. I live in Guangzhou, China.

I am a non-secondary school student. I have many hobbies, such as basketball, football and table tennis. I often play basketball with my father in the basketball cot near my home.

I like to play football with my clasates after class. Table tennis is very interesting and also my interest. I like watching table tennis s on TV.

Wang Hao is one of my favote table tennis players. I like to do sports, it can make my body stng.




2:我喜欢运动,Among all the sports, I like basketball best. It's an indoor and outdoor sport. People like to play or watch the no matter where they are.

So I like watching people play basketball on TV. I often play basketball with some fends after school. Sometimes we play basketball on Sunday afternoon.

I'm good at basketball, but I'm not the best player in the team, Basketball can make me happy and healthy. I really enjoy playing basketball.




3:我喜欢体育运动,Water mnasti, also known as synchnized swimming, is a popular nt in the Olympic movement. It is an Olympic sport that combines swimming with ballet and mnasti, including diving, stunts, weightlifting and endance sports. Water mnasti is synchnized swimming.

It didn't become an Olympic nt until duet and fosome competition. In order to allow eight swimmers to participate in the competition, I like water mnasti best for many reasons. First of all, I am an excellent swimmer.

Therefore, I am particularly interested in all kinds of Olympic swimming. There are o main reasons why I like water mnasti The other is the very betiful female swimmers. Most importantly, I can learn their pfessional skills in swimming just like I watch the wonderful music of the Olympic Games and their wonderful performance in water ballet.

For example, the performance of swimmers is evaluated according to a sees of pre-determined elements, such as the implementation of stke and ist, The difficulty also requires synchnized arm parts and graphi similar to fige skating, and all elements must be presented in a specific order, becse the pgram of synchnized swimming requires special breath contl. The judges also considered the swimmer's ability to maintain a relaxed illusion and hold his breath for o minutes at the same time. Of cose, this is not the least important point.

Water mnasti is my most important I like water mnasti most. Of all the water sports, I like water mnasti best. I am not only attracted by their wonderful movements in the water, the ener in music, their bety, y and healthy body, but also bng me the ultimate ditory and visual please.

If I have to choose my favote sport, I will choose water mnasti as the best Choose nrtheless, I really got into this amazing water sport becse I love its technique and movement.



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