
发布时间:2024-03-25 17:05:30 阅读:23 点赞:0

关于”我们热爱“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:We love。以下是关于我们热爱初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:We love

Dear Andrew, it's been three years since you pmised me on the phone ry year that you would come. When it was over, you changed yo plan. I was n old and I was waiting for you in my heart.

I think you are the only man I can love, a person with true love. But ry time you change yo plan, I feel ht. Every day I go home, I feel lonely, Seeing my fends and their lovers go out and you just call me, I'm really tired of yo phone calls, and I just want you to make any necessary arrangements with me so that we can see each other.

My love is fading. Please have a hard life and nr have yo love, jovia.




2:我们爱,O school is full of love. After o classes in the morning of Apl

1, o school's radio station be badcasting.

② the announcer told us an unfortunate news.

A junior named Tong Kai needed a kidney transplant operation.

③ it cost 100000 yuan. His family couldn't afford to pay so much, but his clasates were very ill.

So the students would call on ryone to do something to Tong Kai. The news soon spread all over the campus. Fm that day on, ryone was wored about his illness.

Teachers and students be to donate money to him. We were not ch, but we were all geneus donors. The teacher donated part of their salary.

Many students used pocket money to children. Li Bin, a junior high school student, donated 80 yuan. He said that the money we donated was not enough for the operation cost of pliers, but We have done o best.

We all hope Tong Kai will recover soon and express o deep feelings in o language.

7. In a short peod of three days, with the of many clasates, teachers and other kind people, the student union received 10000 yuan.

Tang Wei got enough money and had sgery. Hosaidi thought I was the most unfortunate person in the world, but now I think it is the opposite Living in the care and love of thousands of good people, I bravely faced life when I said these words. He couldn't but tears streaming down his face.

What a warm family o school is.


我们学校充满了爱xx月1早上两节课后,我们学校广播电台开始广播播音员②告诉我们一个不幸,一个叫童凯大三学生需要做肾移植手术③要花10万元,他家人不可能付这么多钱,但童同学病得很重,所以学生会号召大家做点什么来帮助童凯。很快就传遍了校园,从那天起大家都在为他病感到焦虑,老师和学生们开始捐钱帮助他我们并不富裕,但我们都是慷慨捐赠者⑤老师捐出了他们一部分工资⑥许多学生用零用钱帮助童,一个初中生李斌捐了80元,他说我们捐钱不够钳子作费,但是我们已经尽了我们所能,我们都希望童凯早康复,用我们语言表达了我们深情⑦短短三天,学生会在许多同学、老师和其他好心人帮助下,一共收到了一万元,汤唯拿到了足够钱,做了手术,何赛迪以为我是世界上最不幸人,但现在我想恰恰相反,我生活在成千上万善良人关心和爱中,我在说这些话时候勇敢地面对生活,他忍不住泪流满面我们学校是个多么温暖大家庭①广播电台②播音员$nspl:nt]④ 批判[ktik li]公元⑤贡献者[k ntbju(:)t]n.⑥捐赠[d uneit]v.⑦情感[fekM n]n。


3:我们热爱,Money is necessary in o life. We need money to buy necessities such as clothes, food, house and so on. When we have a lot of money, we will have a ch life.

Most people think that if we have money, we can do anything. I don't think so money is not all there are some people, although they have a lot of money unhappy, becse their money is using impper means So they always lead a life of panic. Money often makes people do bad things, n illegal activities.

We must make money to make a living, but we should use it reasonably. If we treat money correctly, we will be happy.



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