翻译英语课本的软件_Textbook software 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-11 15:09:51 阅读:130 点赞:0

关于”课软件“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Textbook sofare。以下是关于课软件四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Textbook sofare

Peking Opera, as a traditional art form, is the essence of Chinese culte. Its costumes and masks are popular with people. Different styles of clothing reflect the identity of different characters, and there are ornaments in astocratic costumes.

Those poor people are simply and not so basic masks, which can reflect the mask quality of different characters in different colors. It is an important means to depict the character. People usually distinguish the and the bad person by the color of the mask.

White usually stands for betrayal, black for justice, yellow for bravery, blue and green for rebellious fighting, and gold and silver for divinity and Buddhi.




Everything is empty talk, and we can't grasp and understand it freely. Especially in class, we can learn a lot of words after we understand the meaning and usage of words. It is necessary to dictate words and recite articles after class.

Even if we know a lot, we can make full use of ry peod of time to learn English. The most important thing in learning English is to accumulate a little and make up a lot. Persrance is the grea advantage of learning.

Adverbial part can be used as many components, such as non finite verbs, adverbial phrases, adverbial clses, etc. the position of adverbials is very flexible, which can be beside verbs, in the first half of sentences or at the end of sentences. Third, wting training is not enough.

Learning and summazing this semester will be over soon If you want to learn new things, we have to study hard. If you don't insist and spend a lot of time to learn, you should also summaze each cose by yoself. Second, it is difficult to distinguish the meaning of the differences beeen Chinese and English sentences.

Looking back in the past, these are words and phrases in English sentences. The above reasons make me think that CET-4 has not passed. We have many shortcomings: first At first, we don't know how to express the meaning of sentences.

We can't use them correctly. Some people n don't understand them. We review and preview the text carefully.




Last Sunday, I took part in the qutai village social svey orized by the school. The svey shows that the cultivated land area of qutai village is very low now, so almost all the people who go out to work are the elderly, children or the disabled. As the saying goes: coins have o sides.

The positive side is the impvement of living standards. People are cher than before. The disadvantage is that it bngs pblems such as children's education, elderly care and family pperty safety.



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