
发布时间:2024-04-07 09:04:50 阅读:11 点赞:0

关于”环境方面开头“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Envinmental aspects。以下是关于环境方面开头四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Envinmental aspects

How to ptect the envinment the envinment nd us is very important to us, but and pollution, such as noise pollution, air pollution, water pollution and so on, are harmful to the envinment. How can we ptect the envinment? Here are some suggestions to contl pollution. The most important pblem in the world is pollution.

Many vers and lakes are seously polluted. We must prnt people fm poung dirty water into vers. We have to contl all kinds of things.

Although there are less and less ener and resoces on the earth, most people don't realize their importance. In order to the earth, we must reduce the waste of these valuable things. Everyone must care about o resoces.

The third kind of plant is very ful and important for o life. More trees are cut down. We must plant trees in order to the earth Living a better and healthier life in the fute is the best gift for us to ptect the envinment.

As long as you follow the above-mentioned, I beli o envinment will be better. As the saying goes, polluting the envinment is shameful. Ptecting the envinment is ryone's responsibility.

Ptecting the envinment is ptecting oselves. Why not ptect the envinment fm now on.




Today, pollution is a seous pblem for us. It means that the air, the sea, the ver and the land are polluted by waste or poisonous things. It is harmful not only to human beings, but also to animals and human beings.

We can't have fresh air becse many factoes emit poisonous oke into betiful parks. Fish that are soiled by plastic cans and bags are killed by polluted water. It is said that some places have strange diseases becse of pollution 13ihope scientists can find a solution to this seous pblem.

We are looking forward to seeing clear sky, clean vers and betiful parks again Do sth / that clse not only but also ht / sth / ht / sth.


今天污染对我们来说是一个严重问题,它意味着空气、海洋、河流和土地被或有毒东西污染,它不仅对人类有害,而且对动物和人类都有害。我们不能有新鲜空气,因为许多工厂都把有毒烟雾排放到美丽公园里被塑料罐和塑料袋弄脏鱼被污染水杀据说有些地方因为污染而出现了奇怪疾病 我希望科学家能找到解决这个严重问题方法我们期待着再次看到晴朗天空净河流和美丽公园做某事/那个条款 不仅而且 伤害某人某物/伤害某人某物。


Nowadays, a new way of life called "carbon life" is spreading in ry corner of o country. The concept of low carbon is low ener consumption and no waste. First of all, o city should set up a nocar day ry week, becse cars not only cse seous air pollution, but also waste ener.

It's a good idea to go to school or go to work by bus. Secondly, we'd better not use plastic bags on foot and on the subway. As we all know, no one can tolerate "white pollution".

Now people can't buy free plastic bags in shops or supers. People pay attention to the envinment and reduce the use of plastic bags instead of plastic bags. We'd better use cloth bags or reusable bags.

Finally, we should remember that when we leave, we should tn off the lights, tn on the tap in time, and reuse o textbooks and bottles. We should not spit in public places, we should not litter on the gund. We should plant flowers and trees.

We must pick up some garbage and thw it into the dustbin. In short, let's do o best to ptect the envinment if ry one of us can People who contbute to the ptection of the envinment and the world will become betiful and lucky.




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