
发布时间:2024-01-26 08:33:54 阅读:225 点赞:0

关于”对你帮助最大人“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The person who s you the most。以下是关于对你帮助最大人初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The person who s you the most

Everyone should have a decent home, good health, something meaningful to do and a satiying relationship, so let's work together to pvide housing, support and care for vulnerable and excluded people who have or are at sk of sleeping out on the street and homeless. O goal is to ense homelessness and exclusion. In order to achi o goals, people can impve their quality of life, we should establish o core values: respect and ambition.

We respect the life history of the homeless, beli in their potential, and will them realize their ambition, excellence and creativity. O goal is to be the solution of excellence and creativity Meeting the changing needs of the homeless, equality and diversity we as a chaty and a society have become cher by valuing diversity and stving for equality of opportunity. If you agree with us, please join us now to take care of the homeless.

We beli that with yo , the world will become better.




2:帮助你最多人,Jane Eyre is a poor but asping girl. She is short in state, huge in soul, unknown but stng in self-esteem. After we close the book cover, after a long spitual joney, Jane Eyre, this great fige, has left us many memoes and memoes.

Thinking: we remember her kindness: for a person who lost her arm and blindness, for those who have lost their arms and lost their sight People who despise her for her commonness, n for those who have deeply ht her, we remember her psuit of justice, just like a person accompanied by good. Howr, a moral person should pmote good on the one hand and stop evil on the other. We remember her self-esteem and clear equality of situation.

In her view, human beings are the same under the feet of God Although they have different status in pperty and appearance, all people are equal in personality.




3:对你帮助最大人,With the passage of time, my way of learning has gone fther and fther. In this way, I used to lgh and shed tears. On the way, my sister always gave me coage and encoagement.

Becse of her company, I nr choose to give up my sister. I have a good reading habit, which is love. Many times, she will lend me some good books.

I learned a lot fm books I understand the siificance of learning to tell the truth, learning is a very bong thing, but my sister tght me a lot of learning methods how to be happy. She asked me to face the first study with a happy mood. She also told me to have a heart of self motivation forr.

Under the guidance of my sister, I am determined to learn and beli that you can learn, Becse I know that only knowledge can make me stnger. Now my sister has been admitted to a good university, and will often tell me the importance of learning. I firmly beli that as long as I work hard, I will also have a harvest of study and get into my ideal university.



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