
发布时间:2023-04-23 14:53:05 阅读:77 点赞:0

关于”五十词“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Fifty words。以下是关于五十词高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fifty words

Dear Mike, it has been three weeks since I wte to you last time. I'm sorry I didn't wte to you often, but I've been busy prepang for the English pficiency , bee you have passed the English pficiency and got high marks. Can you give me some suggestions first? Can you recommend some reference books? There is no om for English pficiency , so a suitable book Is necessary second, can you tell me how many words I need to third, how to grammar best wishes and look forward to heang fm you soon yo Peter.




2:五十个字,Japan is a country close to China. It is a betiful country. Since last month, I went to Japan with my parents.

Maybe people will think that Japan is a good country, bee o destination is Tokyo. You will not think that Japan is not only a place for gomet, but also a place for shopping, bee I am a gomet, this is my food paradise. Sushi is my favote food, as if it is the most delicious food on earth.

We are shopping in Japan and have a lot of things for us, so we bought some clothes. We only came for about 30 days. When the time came, we retned to China.

Japan is an interesting place for me. Maybe next time, I will come back.





3:五十词,Qining is an important peod for the memory of the dead and their loved ones. It is also a time to remember the ancestors and relatives, bee it strenens the ethi of filial piety. Qining is an important festival in China, which literally means "Qing" and "Ming".

This Chinese festival is a "Spng Festival" in the early spng, the foth day after the winter solstice. It is a good time for the whole family to go out and clean their to. To are given an extended peod, that is, the days before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, and a whole month is allocated among some dialect gups.



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