
发布时间:2023-10-25 02:23:57 阅读:103 点赞:0

关于”开头段目“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Heading of the opening paragraph。以下是关于开头段目初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Heading of the opening paragraph

Here, I would like to thank my teachers, especially my chief teacher, Mr. Li. As a teacher, he is not only kind and fendly, but also very stct with students and his own work.

This is o chief teacher, Mr. Li. He is nearly 50 years old, but he is as energetic as a young man.

Since he came to this school, his teaching methods have been praised a lot. Many students like to listen to his lectes. Becse his lectes are usually very interesting, he and his lectes are very popular among students.

In his spare time, he gets along well with ry student. Although he is stct with the students, she always encoages them to study for the motherland with his . The students have made great pgress in their study.

I think Mr. Li is a qualified teacher. All the teachers and my clasates want to say "thank you, thank you for yo work in the past few years".





Winter vacation is coming. I have a plan about the holiday. I want to do what I want to do.

I want to study harder so that I can get good grades in the next semester after finishing all my homework. I want to enjoy myself in the ocean of knowledge.




Let people do whatr they want to do, this is anarchy anarchy, social chaos makes people want to do nothing, and tyranny tyranny tyranny is slavery. Beeen these o extreme political states, democracy is a form of government that allows citizens to psue their own goals in life. Although it limits the ghts of others, it is in Lincoln's famous definition Democracy is "people's government, people's government and people's government".



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