
发布时间:2024-04-11 12:23:53 阅读:9 点赞:0

关于”我偶像库里“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My idol Library。以下是关于我偶像库里高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My idol Library

Study children's home has built a large library for people in o city. It will be built in June. It will be opened in Julius.

On Zhongshan Road, on the other side of the ad, next to the science museum, there is a park library. There are three floors on the first floor, o reading oms, many kinds of books on the second floor, a lndry om and a om for stong books. How many books are there on the third floor This book has a large conference om and a comr om.

There are 50 comr books in the comr om. They are my best fends. We should love books becse they give us knowledge and make us happy.




I like reading in the library on weekends. There are a lot of people in the library, but it's very quiet. No one talks in the om, only the sound of tning pages.

I'm very interested in , so I recently read a lot of books about . I read a book "Martian" about an astnt mark left on Mars alone. He wte a lot of sun days later, his teammates came back to take him home.

Mark is very difficult to be in Living on Mars, it's a big hein library, and I can read a lot of stoes and see the bigger world I like.




There is a library in o school, which is open fm 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. We often borw books there.

We can borw five books at a time. If we can't finish reading them in o weeks, we can keep them for o weeks. We can renew them.

If the book you want goes out, the libraan is ready to the students and she will you choose another one. We always keep the borwed books in safe custody. We can also read newspapers and magazines in the reading om, but we are not allowed to take them out of the reading om.


: 我们学校有一个图书馆,从早上八点一直开放到下午五点半我们经常去那里借书 我们一次可以借五书,如果两周内不能读完,可以借两个星期,我们可以去续借。如果你要书出去了,图书员随时准备帮助学生,她会帮助你选择另一。我们总是妥善保管借来书。


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