
发布时间:2023-07-04 03:25:58 阅读:41 点赞:0

关于”来自同辈压力在“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Presse fm peers。以下是关于来自同辈压力在高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Presse fm peers

When we were prepang for the weekend practice match, I had an interesting conversation with a teammate I didn't know very well. He asked me, "OK, we work for oselves. We run a sofare company." I replied, "Oh, that's great.

I work for XYZ company, but you know I always want to get into animation desi and work for myself. That's my dream You're in the wng business "XX" you're not dead, are you "I've been trying, don't say it out loud, and he goes on," you know, I've always wanted to do this, but once you have a family, it's hard to do anything else. "The most difficult tck to is to allow us to count o blessings.

Ec Hoff legend, a young man in the desert While wandeng, he came acss a clear spng. The water was so sweet that he filled his leather kettle so that he could bng some back to a tbal elder, who became his teacher after fo days' joney. He handed the water to the old man.

The old man took a big gulp of water, iling warmly and geneusly thanking his students for the sweet water he had sent him. Later, the young man retned to his village with a happy heart. The teacher asked another student to taste the water.

He vomited out the water and said it was very bad. Becse of the old leather container, the water had become stinky. The student asked his teacher, ", the water is dirty.

Why do you pretend to like it?" The teacher replied, "you've only tasted water, I've tasted the gift. Water is just a container full of love. Nothing is sweeter than this." I think when we receive pe love gifts fm children, whether it's ceramic trays or macani bracelets, we can understand this most.

The natal and apppate response is to appreciate and express gratitude, becse we like the gift It's not always natal to think about gratitude. Unfortunately, most children and many s value what they give rather than what they feel. We should remind oselves that, after all, a gift fm the heart is a gift fm the heart.




Everyone knows that cycling is an interesting, healthy and economical way to travel. The advantages of bicycles are as follows: ry commuter can dve directly to the place they have to go without changing station or mode. Bicycles are maneuverable in the maze of the city.

They can dve laterally to avoid gd congestion. They can land on any shelf, railing or parking meter outside the business place, and can be bught into the building at any time Outside parking or secity. Cycling is also good for o envinment.

Bicycles are pollution-free and good for o health. Besides, cycling is the cheapest way to travel besides walking.





The Amecan TV pgram "sound" is one of my favote entertainment pgrams. On the one hand, I can listen to different styles of music, on the other hand, I can see the singer behind the story. These are so insping.

I am very impressed by a music boy fm the farm. He liked singing and doing farm work when he was very young, so he learned to sing and play guitar He likes to live on the farm becse life is very . The farm is big and can play.

The boy bngs his guitar to the stage. What's , he wears a fashionable hat. When the boy sings a song on the guitar, he looks so mysteous.

The judges are spsed by his talent. They want him on the horse. The boy is very talented.

He won the competition.



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