
发布时间:2024-01-15 16:05:20 阅读:35 点赞:0

关于”国庆假期间出门旅游“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Travel ding the National Day holiday。以下是关于国庆假期间出门旅游xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Travel ding the National Day holiday

At the National Day celebration, as a youth of the new centy, I am pud of the great changes that have taken place in o motherland in recent years. I am a Chinese. Since the reform and opening up, the great achiments made by the successors of the centy have inspired the success of the Beijing Olympic Games.

Every Chinese is pud that China has the world. It injects harmony and competition fm China, We should work hard to accept sre challenges, let each of us perform outstanding achiments to meet the arval of the new centy. O determination and pace are firm for the motherland and stren.

We are the loudest voice of the motherland. For tomorw, let us all rush to the bst of passion, stve for the ideal coast, and open a great rejuvenation Blue sky.




National Day is good, National Day is coming, I rest at home, do homework, watch TV, play comr s. I also go out to play with my fends, go shopping, my mother do housework, and then stay at home. I have to finish my English homework, math homework and Chinese homework.

I have a good time. National Day is coming. What are you doing.




Dear Miss Zhang, how is the National Day? We have sn days' holiday. My fends and I want to go to Beijing. We will start o tp in October.

We will go there by train and we will stay there for three days. We will visit the summer palace, the Palace Museum and the Great Wall, water cube and so on. I beli we will have a good time.

I hope you have a happy holiday, yo Li Hua.




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