
发布时间:2023-06-10 04:35:47 阅读:474 点赞:0

关于”参加志愿者好处“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Benefits of volunteeng。以下是关于参加志愿者好处专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of volunteeng

Hello, ryone. My name is xxxim. I am XX years old.

I am cheerful and active. I am happy to ryone who plans to perform oginal Tarant. For example, we can hold a speech con.

Everyone can tell us who you are and how fast you can speak. Of cose, speaking fast is not like we speak at other times. It is also very important for us.

Sports we can hold a sports meeting so that we can maintain good oral and health while supporting my clasates. Thank you.


大家好,我名字是xxxim xx岁,我格开朗,活泼好动,我很乐意帮助每一个计划原创塔兰特表演人。例如,我们可以举办一个演讲比赛,每个人都可以告诉我们你是谁,你能说多快当然说快一点也不像我们在其他时间说话,这对我们来说也很重要体育我们可以开个运动会,这样我们就可以在保持良好口语和健康同时请支持我同学们谢谢。


Although I am only 16 years old, I already have a picte of my ideal huand in my mind. I don't emphasize his appearance becse I don't agree to judge people by their appearance. I think it is important to have a kind heart.

I don't want to have a ch huand, but I hope he can work hard and be enthusiastic about his work. He doesn't need to have the same job as me, but I think If we all have some common interests and hobbies that we all like, it will be easier for us to communicate. We can avoid quarreling over all matters.

In the joney of my life, we should have a loyal fend who can share my happiness with him.




Dear orizer, my name is Li Jun, I am a senior three student, I want to be a volunteer of overseas exchange student . I am good at oral English and wting. I like to others.

I beli I am a good candidate for this job. I hope I can benefit fm this expeence, not only impve my English, but also dlop my potential. I am looking forward to heang fm you , Li Jun.



标签: 女孩英文名  宠物英文名  E开头英文名 

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