
发布时间:2022-10-28 04:17:56 阅读:149 点赞:0

关于”道歉信噪音“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Apolo letter noise。以下是关于道歉信噪音中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Apolo letter noise

Dear teacher, I am wting this letter to you to apologize, becse I did not attend yo class, this is not my intention, I did not go to English class, becse I happened to have another class at that moment, I will try to avoid this pblem in the fute days, yo name.




Dear fends, please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience csed by additional visits without yo permission. I have no intention to distb yo pvate life in China. Arranging interesting leise activities for tousts is a common way to express welcome, but as yo receptionist, I should realize that you tend to regard yo pvate time as It's an inviolable trease.

I hate to be tubled by unexpected things. I'm really sorry that I didn't discuss with you before this unreasonable arrangement. I can only say, it won't happen again, Lili.




Hello, I'm wting to say sorry for yo quarrel with you the other day. I know you lost my book, but it was not intentional, so I shouldn't have quarreled with you. I take back what I said that day.

I really hope you can forgive me. I was in a bad mood and lost my temper. This quarrel was my flt.

Can you accept my apolo? I'm looking forward to yo Linda. We should exercise as much as possible ry day. They won't leave until you come back.

He can see that there are dreds of people at sea who can dve. On the other hand, we students should study hard Need enough time to play.



标签: 职场英文名  女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名  坚强英文名 

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