锻炼的重要性英语作文_The importance of exercise 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-21 00:53:59 阅读:569 点赞:0

关于”锻炼重要“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The importance of exercise。以下是关于锻炼重要专升英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of exercise

Now and people realize the importance of continuous physical exercise, becse they have noticed the disadvantages of unhealthy lifestyle. They don't do any physical exercise ding the day and don't watch TV at night. Some harmful substances can't be eliminated or metabolized thugh physical exercise.

They accumulate in the human body day after day. People can't bear this terble accumulation, and the occrence of diseases is aware of it The importance of physical exercise, people are willing to participate in swimming, skating, jogging, mountain climbing and other sports, jogging is a good choice, becse it has low exercise intensity and high ener consumption.




Everyone hopes to live a happy life in this world. Physical exercise is essential to a happy life. There is a famous saying: "life lies in exercise".

Although you don't necessaly die without regular physical exercise, they can certainly you live longer and healthier. Exercise is good for o body. It s coordinate different parts of o body when we have sports, for example, we When playing basketball, we must try o best to coordinate the movements of o arms and legs, or we can't play basketball.

It also s o ors to make o heart beat faster than usual, and then s to expand blood vessels to ptect us fm heart disease. It also s us dlop o ability to respond flexibly. For example, when you play table tennis, you have to try to think as quickly as you do so that you can fight back in the ght position at the moment of battle.

Exercise also s to impve o mood. When you exercise, you move a lot and you have to be active. It s you become optimistic.

Exercise will make yo life full of all kinds of content, make life colorful, sports will you get d of yo inertia, if you insist on doing sports, you will nr be a lazy person. Therefore, exercise has a great impact on a person's character. In a word, exercise is ful, important and absolutely necessary.






There is a saying that "it's nr too old to learn". Similarly, what I want to say is that it's very necessary for ryone to exercise. We'd better take some time to exercise ry day.

Generally speaking, pper exercise ry day is certainly good for o health. It is a good way to exercise and accelerate blood circulation. For example, doing sit ups ry day can exercise o waist, and doing exercise is also a good way to keep o mental health, becse exercise can baden o mind and release o presse to a great extent.

For example, if we do some exercise, we will feel better. In addition, after working for a long time, exercise can make o brain active, which is why many people choose to exercise when they have no new ideas. If you say you are too busy to run, then exercise is absolutely necessary.

It is better to breathe deeply or expand yo chest ry day than to do nothing.



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