描述自己一天的英语作文_Describe your day 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-24 11:30:37 阅读:134 点赞:0

关于”描述自己一天“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Descbe yo day。以下是关于描述自己一天初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Descbe yo day

Spng Festival I had a happy holiday. I went to the park with my fends. We met at the gate of the school at eight o'clock.

We went to the park by bike. It was a nice day. We sat under a big tree and chatted.

We watched some movies and some interesting things. We had lunch there. We had hambgers and some dnks, but I knew they were not healthy and were not good for us.

Then I We played some s and we all felt tired, but we were glad it was very interesting.




I'm getting up, I'm at school, we're doing morning exercises, we have classes, I like all my classes and I work hard: we eat lunch in the restaant, the food is delicious, I like to chat with my clasates at lunch time. What's interesting is: I do after-school activities with my fends, and then I go home.




I get up at eight and I feel sleepy. I brush my teeth, go downstairs before school, have breakfast biscuits and milk, I have to walk to school, it's snowing out on Monday, my first class is science, we have a on the peodic table of elements, I think I'm doing well, then I have a business, and finally it's easy, I have a piece of pizza here for lunch, I'm not gry any So, in the afternoon, I have English and French, I like learning French very much, so after all the bells ng and the school is over, the result is not so bong. I walk home, I finish my homework first, and then I play the piano for an ho.

My mother is prepang dinner. After dinner, I go online, I continue to sf the Internet, and my mother keeps wting her novels. It's o'clock.

I take a bath, brush my teeth, and I fall asleep. It was a very tired day.



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