
发布时间:2023-12-19 17:55:02 阅读:67 点赞:0

关于”年轻人特点“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Charactesti of young people。以下是关于年轻人特点专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Charactesti of young people

Li Yifeng, a Chinese actor and singer fm Chengdu, Sichuan Pvince, was born in May and graduated fm the school of film and television of Sichuan Normal University. He participated in the premiere of "gas man" in December of the same year. He presented the first EP "Fers wheel" which was released in July.

In Apl, he won the school pop singer award of music radio station. In May of the same year, he released drama "happiness must be stng" starng in his album "Xiaobian" and "Sun happiness" won the best new actor award of the Opera Festival with "sun happiness", and won the most popular actor award for the TV drama "dghter", which was released in October in a corner with ti in the "love lies" challenge. In the ancient costume drama "magic", the actors of the ancient construction legend era drama "live" and the neork drama "knife wood" were selected.




In the spng and Autumn peod, Jin Xian heard the slander and killed Pnce Nobu, and sent someone to arrest the bther chong'erchong, who had escaped fm the Jin family and had been in exile for ten years. After arving in ChuChu City, Chong'er must be a big one, and he had to invite the state guests in the etiquette to him. One day, the king of Chu gave a banquet to Chong, and the dnks of the o people spilled out.

Chu Chong, in a harmonious atmosphere, suddenly asked:“ If one day you go back to the state of Jin and become emper, how can you repay me? " Chonglue Yishuo said: "bety is coming, jewelry and silk. You have a lot of rare bird hair, ivory, f, which can be found rywhere in Chu. It's so rare for Jin to give it to his majesty." the king said, "my son is too modest.

Although you can't speak, you can always say something to me." "Thanks to you, if you can come back to power, I would like to make fends with yo country. If one day there is a war beeen Jin and Chu, I have ordered the army to retreat (if you can't forgive me, I will fight with you again." fo years later, when Jin Chong'er really retned to the emper, it was the famous King of Wen in history In order to fulfill his pmise, he ordered the 90 army stationed in Chenu to catch up with Chu Jin when he was afraid of the other side's coming back. Li Chu was pud to catch up with them, so as to underestimate the enemy's weakness and concentrate his forces.

The story of the victory of Pu comes fm the idiom "back off" in "Zuo Xigong o years", It means not competing with others or concessions.




Why should the tobacco industry capte agers and young people? To svive, the industry must attract new customers to replace those who die or quit oking. It must catch their youngest people who start oking before they are old, and almost a quarter of these people start oking before their young children are old. The likely they are to become regular okers, the likely they are to become okers The young people are exposed to tobacco advertising, the likely they are to use tobacco.

The tobacco industry mistakenly associates the use of its pducts with desirable qualities such as glamo, vitality and uality, as well as exciting nts and adventes. Extensive tobacco advertising makes The normalization of the use of adbaff tobacco, portraying it as indistinguishable fm any other consumer pduct, is difficult for young people to understand.



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