
发布时间:2022-09-28 08:20:07 阅读:231 点赞:0

关于”我最敬佩同学开头结尾“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My most aded clasates begin and end。以下是关于我最敬佩同学开头结尾中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My most aded clasates begin and end

My new clasate is Liu Mei. She was born in Tianjin. She was born on July.

She is very fendly. She has her first pmary school, Tanggu pmary school. Her first teacher is Mrs.

Yang. She is very clumsy and stct. Liu Mei doesn't like her clasates.




I have many fends in my class. There are students in my classom. They are very interesting and lovely.

I want to intduce some of them. She's cute. She was fendly to ryone.

For example, he nr forgets to talk about basketball in class. Howr, he always makes us lgh at school. For example, he is a good nickname for her to play basketball He is a member of o school.

He often says, "playing basketball is good for yo health." what about yo clasates? Do you like yo clasates .





When you look nd, you will find that spng is coming, the breeze is gently brushing yo face, the blue sky after rain is on yo head, the flowers in the garden are blooming, rything is gwing, and rything is full of vitality and fragrance. This is the best season of this year. You can't miss it.

You will love it. Spng is coming. It bngs green to trees and grass, and vitality to flowers Things bng hope, birds begin to sing, farmers begin to plant cps in the fields in spng.

There is hope rywhere. People usually say that a good beginning is half of success, and spng is the beginning of a year. So we should chesh it, make full use of it, and try to sow in spng.

There will be a good harvest in tumn. Then you will see how important and lovely spng is.



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