
发布时间:2023-01-25 05:54:17 阅读:84 点赞:0

关于”写景“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:descbe the scenery。以下是关于写景四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:descbe the scenery

Qingdao landscape students, we all know that there are many scenic spots in Qingdao, such as the bdge, Shilaoren rain forest valley and Laoshan Mountain, Shimei, underwater world, Zhongshan Park, etc. they are all one of the "Lilian" bdges in Qingdao, especially the underwater world, Shilaoren and Laoshan. Another attractive place to visit the sea of people is the nate of the sea, which gives us a lot of opportunities, Take the Olympic Games for example, Qingdao is becse of the sea, so we have chosen the ght sailing venue.

The sea also gives us stren. When you are tired, look at the sea. Fatigue will appear in an instant when you are under great presse.

Looking at the vast sea, you will be covered with all the vast sea like the ocean of knowledge. Let us know that many underwater world is in a clear sea in tumn, in the rain forest In the valley of Laoshan, there are ten Meian tumn leaves in Laoshan. "Sl lies on the gund like a layer of oranges.

It's soft to walk on the carpet. It can be fun and betiful. Qingdao is so betiful.

I don't want such betiful scenery to be damaged by those garbage men. So we should ptect the envinment and make the city of Qingdao betiful.




Beijing in tumn is betiful than other seasons. In fact, tumn is not the best time becse the temperate is still too high. The real time for red leaves to fill fragrant mountains is in October.

Aund the golden week on October 1, the symbol of Beijing and Tiananmen Square in China. Tiananmen Square is the largest City in the world The Palace Museum, the Great Wall, Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site, the summer palace and the temple of heaven are all listed on the UNESCO World Cultal Hetage list.




In winter, tumn and winter, my grandfather hastened to pick up the girl for tumn class and came to us. It bught the piercing cold wind. The scene in fnt of us bught the cold of withered branches.

We felt that winter was coming in the early morning. The sky covered the earth with mist. Walking in the street, Ji Shibu could not see the shadow outside, and the buildings in fnt could not be seen fm the fog.

The trees could only Glimpses the water vapor, hears the sound to be unable to see the shadow, only the headlamp like eyes and the flash of cold wind carry the cold air all over ry corner, that is a clear and windless day, the cold and dry day, the dry and desolate bare trees stand on the ad by the ver, and finally become the vigous grass, the yellow grass flowers have gone to sleep, the north wind blows, the all trees in the cold grass In the cold winter, cypresses are like green streets full of vitality. Many Cycas are planted by the verside, and the slender leaves inkle in the sre winter The green light adds color to winter days and decorates the winter morning. But the verside park is very lively.

There are training people blowing in the fog. The figes are constantly swaying. Young people dressed as athletes.

They run, jump, vigous and excited old people all go out of their homes. Their shining hands are stretching and kicking on the grass When they jump fm time to time, they do exercises together, which is worse than the young people. They look back at each other tenaciously with the piercing cold, with sn year old children following the great people.

They like to hold their breathless models and fly their heads out of the heat wave. Look, I like how vigous winter is, becse it can sharpen people's will and become stnger. You finally come to winter day.



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