
发布时间:2024-01-12 00:42:29 阅读:1543 点赞:0

关于”探索海洋“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:explore the sea。以下是关于探索海洋八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:explore the sea

Do you know the sea? Some people know, but some don't know. On a clear day, the sea looks betiful, but when there is a stng wind, it is very ugh. What else do you know? Of cose, the sea in the world is very big.

There are sea than land. You know Hainan Island is really betiful. We can see beaches, trees and sea.

We can swim and visit many betiful places. When you swim in the sea, you will feel the water is salty. Finally, I tell you that the fish in the dead sea can't live in it becse it is dangeus.

The sea is too salty and the sea is betiful, but sometimes it doesn't OK. The sea, the sea, the sea, the open sea, blue, fresh, forr free, unmarked, unbounded, it runs in the vast area of the earth, it plays with the clouds, it mocks the sky, or lies like a create in a cradle. I am at sea, I am at sea, I will always be blue with the above, in the blue below, if the tempest comes to awaken the abyss, I will go there to be silent.

What is it that I want to de a horse to sleep? I love (oh, how I love), ding on a tbulent foam sge, when ry crazy wave dwns the moon, or holds his violent tune, telling the next. What's the world like? Why does the southwest wind blow? I've nr been on the dull and tame coast, but I love the sea and . I fly back to her tbulent chest, like a bird looking for its mother's nest.

She is my mother, becse I was born on the high seas.




Some people say that "people can't contl, but they are eager to find the answer to the unknown, which is the key to separate human fm animals.". I think it's the result of people's constant exploration of outer . I beli that if we stop looking for outer , we won't lose anything immediately.

Although I know that we are human beings, we can't looking for new things in the unknown dark , but who knows? Maybe one day, we will face a sre situation, forcing us to make a decision to move to another planet. In this case, we would like to thank the wise ancestors who decided to continue to study , n though they might not have predicted that their fute generations would need it one day, so let's stop this discussion with another sentence: "ciosity can dve the whole world" world work.





In today's world, the superpowers have invested a lot of money in technolo, and dreds of vehicles have been lnched: the first satellite, the ship at that time, the shuttle now, some people think that advanced technolo is a symbol of national stren, and we should support its dlopment. Some people just want to know: what is the retn on investment of billions of dollars, Space is a huge waste of money. First of all, the race did not reli the suffeng of millions of people suffeng fm seous diseases, poverty and war.

Some countes just want to explore to maintain the status quo. They beli that the lnches, the powerful a country is. Humans have been playing many different power s for centies: War, cold war, allies, nuclear weapons and the race are just extensions of the competition for power on earth.

Second, after so many years of exploration, scientists still have no breakthugh, although they are unlikely to find a suitable one Planet, human beings can live on it. O money has been invested in countless times, but up to now, we still haven't got a satiactory result. It feels like a man bought a very expensive cloth at the cost of selling his own bed.

Therefore, we should first consider the basic needs of human beings. In short, race is a waste, n if we are We should pay attention to the needs of today's world. Only in this way can o world become better and o life better.



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