
发布时间:2023-05-29 06:43:23 阅读:507 点赞:0

关于”保护企鹅“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Ptect penguins。以下是关于保护企鹅高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ptect penguins

Penguins live near the South Pole. They usually spend all their waking time in the water. Only ding the spawning and mating peods do penguins really live on land.

Ding the spawning peod, the female penguins usually lay an egg, which is stored in a flap, much like a pocket, at the top of the penguin's feet. After the male and the young penguin hatch, the female penguin takes tns to take care of its egg, and its mother will take care of it When it can walk, then it's with the other little penguins, and the whole colony is watched by sral penguins. It's usually black, with a black head and a white chest.

Big penguins usually stand about feet high, bee their legs are so far away that they can maintain a very upght position, and it's interesting to watch penguins and see how upght birds look like dressed humans walking in funny ways,.




Penguin Penguin penguin is a bird that can't fly and can't fly. This time Penguin Penguin penguin lays eggs. A news report of emper penguin said that the coldest continent in the world is ruled by the most interesting and warm species on the plane.

The number of emper penguins is decreasing bee the birds' icy envinment is melting, which is ght: the emper has no ice floes.




Penguin is a kind of bird that can't fly. Penguin is the head. Penguin Family mainly lives in the southern hemisphere of the earth.

Now there are many kinds of penguins or species known in the world. Among them, fo kinds live in the equatoal tpi, namely, the border penguin of Han Dynasty, Magellan Penguin, black footed penguin, Galapagos penguin and penguin. As a ng Penguin completely living in polar regions, only emper penguin and Two species of Adelie penguins.



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