关于演讲比赛的英语作文_speech contest 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-01 05:39:15 阅读:145 点赞:0

关于”演讲比赛“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:speech con。以下是关于演讲比赛xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:speech con

Mr. John, thank you for yo letter. You told me that you and most of yo clasates have been traveling for three days.

I really find it very interesting. Now let me tell you about a speech con. I participated in the competition held on the playgund last Satday morning.

Is the gup composed of English teachers fm o school? All the participants are very expeenced. Moreover, the total number of participants comes fm o ll. It was a good competition, and all the participants did well.

I am very lucky to get the first pze. I will finish here. I hope to hear yo la wishes last week.

I participated in the English speech con held by teachers. In the last competition, 12 students took part in the competition. 15 minutes ago, I chose a topic and prepared for it.

I wte down the outline and orized what I wanted to say, but when I stood in fnt of all the judges and students, I was very nervous. My mind was completely empty. Then I took a deep breath to relax myself and started my speech.

The result was not as good as I expected, but I prefer to regard it as a challenge to myself. This pcess is the most important for me. I can compare it with this one I beli that I will become better in the next competition.

In order to impve o oral English, we will hold an English speech con in the ditoum on the fifth floor of the teaching building at 5:00 p.m. on June 9, all senior students are welcome to participate in the con, and the top five winners will receive pzes, Please try yo best to prepare in time. I wish the student union success.






It's not too hot ding the day, not cold at night, not too hot ding the day, not cold at night. Every morning, I go to school happily. On the way home, with the sun setting, we can expeence the changes of the fo seasons; spng is the season of sowing, it breeds life, and summer is preant with green, colorful swimsuits play in the water.




What is the fute? Every time I look at the stars in the sky, I ask myself a hard question to answer. The universe is boundless. We don't know where we are fm.

We will stand there. Last Sunday, at sea, there was a meteor shower. I went to bercony and waited for them to fly over my shoulder.

It was the wind above the wind, it was the wind in the sky, it was the sky, it was big and blue, the stars were shining, all of a sudden There is a meteor. I pray for her happiness and gaze at it. I want to pray , but it has been extinguished.

I realize that the fute is not engraved on the meteor, but now. When a fortune teller looks at yo hand, she will tell you what yo fute will be like. This is a way to place hope on, but it is unrealistic.

The fute is something nd you Love and people what you should do is try yo best to do rything, don't care too much about the results, be fendly to the people nd you and love them. Although the world is not full of love, life is not a se bed, you should stick to yo belief. As time goes by, you will find that rything you do is worth it.

Time is gloous, becse you can't stop the passage of time, just like the flowers in spng, the sun in summer, the moon in mid tumn and the snow in winter. Maybe one morning you will nr wake up, you will nr see the sunse or sunset, you will nr see yo heart, you will nr talk to her, you will nr hear the voice of nate, nor will you walk in the woods, you will nr be able to walk in the woods Far fm swimming in the lake or climbing mountains, time is precious. Every minute is precious.

We should make full use of it. Don't waste a minute on work, in lghter, in playing s and in love. Each of us has a kite flying in the sky.

We also have a pe. Every child's kite is childhood. This line is the kite of gwing lovers Love, this stng of stng is a kite in my daily life.

It's called dream. The pe in my hand is the reality. The wind that makes the kite fly is the fute.

The kite is not free. But we still have the power to contl them and let them fly higher and higher. The pe is in my hand.

The fute is in my hand. Forget the fortune teller and clench yo fist.



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