
发布时间:2024-01-11 18:18:43 阅读:340 点赞:0

关于”如何正确使用电脑“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:How to use the comr correctly。以下是关于如何正确使用电脑四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to use the comr correctly

It can be seen fm the chart that the use of comrs is still not popular. The average time spent on comrs by college students is only one ho a week, but it has quadrupled in time. In a short peod of five years, the weekly time spent on comrs has increased to fo hos.

Spsingly, the average number of hos students spend on comrs per week has changed greatly. There are three main reasons: first, the number of hos that students spend on comrs ry week has changed greatly 1、 With the dlopment of society and the pspety of national economy, second, the populaty of comrs makes the use of comrs far beyond the scope of typing, which is indispensable not only for secretaes, but also for people engaged in other fields. Last but not least, the pce of comrs has decreased, and students spend and time on comrs.

This is true, but there are also some pblems. Some students are addicted to comr s and refuse to concentrate on their studies. The health of many other students is also damaged becse of too much comr contact.




If yo comr doesn't have a good use time in daily life, ask yo teacher to spend a long time using it as a good er to avoid s, music, movies and chatting. It will squeeze out study time and bng some tubles to you and yo family. Of cose, some necessary relaxation may be good for yo gwth.

If you don't go too far, always Contl yoself and use the comr correctly, which will greatly yo study.




It can be seen fm the chart that the use of comrs is still not popular. On average, college students spend only one ho a week on comrs. Howr, in terms of time, it has quadrupled.

In a short peod of five years, the time per week has sen to fo hos. Spsingly, this number has increased dramatically. The average number of hos students spend on comrs ry week has changed greatly There are three reasons: first, with the dlopment of the society and the pspety of the national economy; second, the populaty of comrs.

The use of comrs is far beyond the scope of typing. It is necessary not only for secretaes, but also for people engaged in other fields. Last but not least, the pce of comrs has fallen so that people with meager incomes can afford them.

Students do benefit fm spending and time on comrs. There are also some pblems. Some students are addicted to comr s and refuse to concentrate on their studies, while many other students' health is damaged by excessive expose to comrs.



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