
发布时间:2023-03-03 06:13:03 阅读:69 点赞:0

关于”有关动物两篇“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Two articles about animals。以下是关于有关动物两篇小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Two articles about animals

Tigers are big and stng, with bght eyes, yellow f and black stpes, which make them look betiful. Tigers run fast, and they are good at ting other animals. Tigers live as a family until the age of 23.

Usually they live alone. Becse people like their f and use it to make medicine, they are in danger. We should take action to ptect tigers^.





Betiful and mysteous starry sky, vast starry sky, boundless, if you look at the universe in all directions, you will find that there are fixed stars in all directions (you can see which star points are red, blue, yellow, white, etc. Some constellations are like animals, some are like natal things, some are like tools and appliances, There are also myths like people are really too betiful, it is not only betiful, but also in the starry sky, if you see the universe in all directions are mysteous, you will find that there are fixed stars with star points in all directions, bght, dark, large and all, plus a dark, invisible mystery of UFO, black hole, dark matter and antimatter It's another mystery of the universe.




Regular class s to form a good habit of punctuality. Second, first, for students, it is very important to have classes on time, which is very important for students to do a good job in the fute. Fm now on, we college students should form the good habit of taking classes on time.

Class is a thorny pblem for both students and teachers. It will ense that you catch up with the teacher in learning, and regular class is for the old Teachers' respect. Therefore, if students do not attend class, yo teachers will also feel bad, which will affect their teaching, which is not good for both students.

In retn, it is very common for some college students to be late or n absent fm class. If you want to study hard, some students will slip out of the classom before class, and we will benefit fm it.



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