
发布时间:2023-11-14 15:58:23 阅读:138 点赞:0

关于”为什么人们会做出糟糕决定“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Why do people make bad decisions。以下是关于为什么人们会做出糟糕决定高三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Why do people make bad decisions

When people deeply study the amazing dlopment of lottery, people may be spsed whether it is a kind of capital investment or whether there are deeper reasons behind the different backgunds and common goals of lottery buyers. It is hoped that one day, as long as they keep thwing money, the free pie will fall down, which may gradually affect their personality and ntually form an opportunity The mentality of doctne. And n if you're lucky, you won't be as happy as you think.




We all know that s like o parents work almost ry day. Now let me tell you why s work first. We all know that work can us get money.

The money we give to society, the money we get, the money we can use to buy what we need. This is very important. We can't live without it.

Second, work can give us a lot of expeence. We should show o expeence. If we gain expeence by working in vaous places, we can have a better life.

In my opinion, work is an indispensable thing in o daily life, isn't it.




Nowadays, people are so dependent on high-tech pducts. No matter where we are, we can see that about o years ago, online shopping was very popular. Now mobile phone functions have been highly dloped.

People can use mobile phones to shop online. Becse online shopping is very convenient, and people like to shop online, especially men, becse they don't like to go out Now the Internet can them to quickly shop. There are vaous things on the Internet.

People can search for what they want and compare it with the pce. Online shopping is a new way for people to buy the pducts they want. In the fute, it will become and popular.

The life pvided by the Internet for people will be and popular.



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