
发布时间:2023-04-24 17:44:23 阅读:100 点赞:0

关于”有关写家庭照片“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:About wting family photos。以下是关于有关写家庭照片xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About wting family photos

A picte of my family. This is a picte of my family. There are six people sitting in the middle of the picte.

The gray haired ones are my grandparents. My grandmother is three years older than my grandfather. They are all very good.

The tallest one is my father standing behind my grandfather. My mother is standing next to my father. My lovely sister is standing beside my grandfather.

I have a happy family. We love each other.




This is a picte of my family. On the far left is my mother and father. My father is a doctor.

He likes playing basketball. My mother is a nse. He likes playing bton.

On the ght is my uncle and nt. My uncle is a teacher and also likes playing basketball. My nt is a housewife.

My grandparents like dancing. I usually play chess and chat at home. My cousins on both sides seldom go out Like to play table tennis, are in the same school, foth grade, I like to draw, third grade like to play bton with them, this is my happiness.




Look at my picte. This girl is May's 14-year-old. I'm in Dongzhou middle school.

I like reading, listening to music and drawing. I'm a happy girl. On the left is my mother.

She's a teacher. She's weang a pair of fiberglass hair. She looks very young.

On the ght is my father. He's a teacher. He loves his students very much.

But he likes oking. My grandmother is behind my mother She's a housewife. She washes and cooks ry day.

My grandfather is behind my father. He's a check, but he's retired now. I have a big family like my father, mother, grandfather and grandmother.

They like me, too.



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