
发布时间:2023-06-20 13:57:51 阅读:133 点赞:0

关于”安出事故学生“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Comfort the students in the accident。以下是关于安出事故学生中考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Comfort the students in the accident

Dear fends: I heard that you did well in the mid-term exam. I hope you don't lose heart and continue to work hard. I beli that you will fail in the next final exam.

It doesn't mean that efforts will pay off. Maybe yo learning style is not suitable. You can find teachers to communicate with students in class, listen carefully, finish homework in time, and yo grades will be good Yes, I beli you.

Come on.




Everyone may be ht intentionally or by accident, but not all people can get comfort, so comfort is very important, n if it is the key to us, no matter how stng you are, when you are depressed, you must seek some action or words, which will you recover comfort. In vaous ways, you can always be with people in need when you leave Fends, cry or sigh together, but a few warm words or a cang look will certainly you a lot. A letter, a good night call or a message can heal a bken heart.

Everything is difficult, so life is the same. Give as much sympathy as possible, which will reward those who give.




The only svivor of a shipwreck was washed up on an uninhabited island. He prayed fshly for God to save him. Every day he looked for on the hozon, but no one seemed to come to him.

He finally mad to build a hut out of dfood to ptect him fm the bad weather, and stored a few of his few things, but only one. The next day, he retned home after scavenging, and found that his hut was on fire and oke was lling up into the sky; the worst happened and rything was lost; he was stunned with gef and indiation. "How can you do this to me Early the next morning, he ced, howr, he was woken up by the sound of a boat appaching the island.

In order to rescue him, he asked the exhsted people, "we see yo oke sial," and they replied, "when things get bad, it's easy to get discoaged, but we shouldn't be discoaged, becse God works in o lives, n in pain and suffeng Remember, the next time yo hut is bned to ashes, it may just be a oke sial calling for God's grace. God has a positive answer to all the negative things we have to say to oselves.



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