
发布时间:2023-06-09 15:03:27 阅读:109 点赞:0

关于”对英学理解“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Understanding of English Studies。以下是关于对英学理解小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Understanding of English Studies

Nowadays, with the rapid dlopment of information technolo, the Internet and e-commerce has become a hot spot in o daily life. For example, it has become a fashion for young people to buy books, clothes, electcal appliances and other daily necessities thugh many express companies thugh Taobao, eBay, Alibaba and other well-known websites. As we all know, online shopping has many advantages.

First of all, online shopping is convenient than traditional shopping methods. We can find a store with a lot of goods we like Just click the mouse and input the keywords of what we want. Second, it also saves us a lot of time.

More choices than physical stores are another attraction to customers. Online shopping can pvide a lot of pduct information to meet the needs, tastes and preferences of customers. Third, becse there is no traditional warehouse and retail store, online shopping can make us get lower cost and pce.

Although it has its advantages, we obviously can't iore its disadvantages. The quality pblem is its first disadvantage. Customers always buy fake goods that are not called online stores.

In addition, when customers are not satiied with what we buy online, it is very tublesome and annoying for us to make changes. The second disadvantage is the secity pblem when we shop online. We need to pay for goods thugh electnic payment.

Howr, hackers can invade o comrs and steal o information, which is not safe for online shopping.





Fendship is an indispensable part of human life. A person without a fend is an angel without wings. His life will suffer fm loneliness and depression for a long time.

Fendship is the mother of o soul. When a child is ht, she will warm her child. We have a lot of things to share with o fends, confusion, excent, pain and so on.

Alas, keep true It's a wonderful fendship.




First, when learning English, we should learn the whole sentence. When we are not specialized in learning words, we need to spend than seconds on grammar, pnunciation and stress. The school is not enough for literacy.

The use of knowledge is limited. In any case, we should learn at least one correct word usage. Many people have seen its fute usage.

Third, we can't remember who will do it when we read It is easier to remember the foth one in the sentences lent to them. In English reading, one should listen, look at oneself, speak and wte fm the eyes, ears and hands to the mouth. One of the fo is indispensable.

Natally, one should remember the words.



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