
发布时间:2023-03-04 01:07:58 阅读:108 点赞:0

关于”陆地污染“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Land pollution。以下是关于陆地污染六级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Land pollution

The vers near o city have been seously polluted recently. The clear water has passed. There used to be many fish swimming freely in it.

Now they are gone. Many factoes in the city dump garbage into the ver. Day after day, the once betiful ver has tned into a elly and dirty garbage can.




Save the earth. This is the earth. The green part is the land.

The blue part is the ocean. The white part is the cloud. The earth is very betiful and interesting.

There are vers, streams, oceans and lakes. Here are mountains and mountains. There are forests and forests.

There are many countes and cities where many people live. You think the earth was very betiful many years ago. The earth is very clean, but now there are a lot of pollution on the earth Air pollution, land pollution and water pollution people are reducing.

Many wild animals, birds and insects in the forest have lost their homes. They are cruelly polluting land, water and aies. People have to stop doing this, we have to save the earth, we have to save o homes.




The vers near o city have been seously polluted recently. The clear water has disappeared. There used to be many fish swimming freely in the ver.

Now they are all gone. Many factoes in the city dump garbage into the ver. Day after day, the once betiful ver has become a elly and dirty garbage can.



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