
发布时间:2023-05-16 15:25:39 阅读:434 点赞:0

关于”沟通技能重要“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Importance of communication skills。以下是关于沟通技能重要雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Importance of communication skills





With the dlopment of society, the relationship beeen people becomes inevitable. As long as people communicate with each other in the world, interpersonal relationship becomes and important. First of all, good interpersonal relationship makes people succeed in human history.

We can always conclude that no one can do rything well and succeed. Most great men have good relationships. For many people, interpersonal relationship and ability are as important as their success.

To maintain good interpersonal relationship, when people encounter difficulties, it is easy to get fm others. In other words, excellent interpersonal communication ability s to eliminate obstacles on the way to success. Good interpersonal relationship can make people live a happy life.

Living in a harmonious envinment needs people and their sundings People maintain good relations, fendly people will form a happy atmosphere, so that people can work efficiently and keep a good mood in their daily life. In short, people will ntually get happiness. By the way, interpersonal relationship is so important to people's success and happiness.

I advocate that people get along well with others. The first thing is to ile ry day http://wwwyinuhuicn/daxue/html.





The envinmental pblems facing the world today are so great that ordinary people can hardly impve it. The government and large companies should be responsible for reducing the damage to the envinment. Do you agree or disagree with the statement of envinmental pblems? People's government and large companies discuss these o views and give yo own opinions (to what extent) do you agree or disagree? Do you think the advantages oueigh the disadvantages? What are the reasons / reasons / factors? What pblems can be solved / overcome What meases should be taken.



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