
发布时间:2023-06-16 07:27:00 阅读:59 点赞:0

关于”旅游分析“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Analysis of Toi。以下是关于旅游分析托福英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Analysis of Toi

One of yo new gains is to consider learning yo mother tongue. How can you persuade him / her? It will be a good decision to use specific reasons and details in yo answer. In my opinion, there are many reasons to learn my mother tongue Chinese.

Here are some China, which has a long and wonderful history and Chinese culte is betiful and charming. Usually, the language is to understand a new culte I think Chinese is not only spoken language, but also very interesting and mysteous. Moreover, Chinese characters were formed thousands of years ago and d by o ancestors with great wisdom.

With the ability to read and wte Chinese, people can read excellent works like Conius. Moreover, I think learning a new language can people's ability to imitate and train their brains, becse learning is one of them A lifelong task is of great siificance to a person's whole life. Learning a language enches his life and makes him art, but it is not the least important.

Now Chinese is the language that people use most. Fm the world point of view, Chinese ability is very important in work and life. The la research shows that there is a lack of Chinese teachers in sral countes in the world.

Therefore, as the ancient Chinese saying goes, only those who have the ability can find a good job with high salary. The importance of learning Chinese in the real world is a conclusion. Fm the above reasons, Chinese is worth learning and is very important.

I suggest that people learn and expeence its bety Language is the key to understanding a new culte.




This restaant not only pvides delicious food, but also pvides first-class . Not only does this restaant pvide / not only you, but also he should blame this restaant for not only delicious food but also first-class ^ ^).




On a six ho flight to New York, I did a cost-benefit ysis, and I asked myself: what's the cost of just listening when Rita calls the police to go ze? My reasoning is: what are the potential benefits? I thought of sral potential benefits, including her life, my life, o children's life, the lives of others. When someone gave us something with great potential benefits, but didn't make us pay any pce, what should we say to such a good person? Thank you. I felt lonely, guilty and ashamed when I came to New York.

I called Rita immediately, Tell her my cost-effectiveness story, and I pmise her: next time you me with my dving, I just want to say, thank you for se you're going to ile and say (for some reason, she seems to suspect that I've expeenced a real religious conversion, but you wait, I'll do better, and I'll continue to see her answer very well.



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